Some nutritional info for you. - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Some nutritional info for you.

machineman profile image
8 Replies

This guy has a herbal practice in Canada and is quite a character he has made around 140 videos for people to be able to educate themselves about other ways of healing yourself that does not involve dangerous side effects.

Doctors do not learn about nutrition so all you are getting is one viewpoint which benefits the people that make the drugs and the doctors who are given bonuses for putting you on drugs the people who control the pharma companies coincidentally donate a large amount of money to the universities in order to control the syllabus but that's irrelevant

There are other ways of healing heart disease but this video sums up what you need to look for and the reason that nutritionists sometimes can't help you due to the products that you are buying if you are interested in educating yourself and returning to health this is a great starting point.

this is for education only and is not medical advice

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machineman profile image
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8 Replies
CDreamer profile image

I cannot disagree with anything he says but as he not exactly coherent himself, he comes over as being as high as a kite so not sure that I would be following advice because of that video!

machineman profile image
machineman in reply to CDreamer

this is for you to research and to take responsibility for your own life,

you should not be taking anyone's advice without researching it first how many of you blindly trust your doctor?

how many of you have heard of the shute brothers this is one place for you to start backing up the research

jeanjeannie50 profile image

Couldn't understand a lot of what he was saying, so gave up. He just doesn't look a very promising advert for good health. Sorry.


machineman profile image
machineman in reply to jeanjeannie50

Here is a script of the show and the things that scientifically prove will help some of your heart's

Taurine 500mgs - Taurine may facilitate the transport of Potassium into and out of the body's Cells and may help to prevent and treat Cardiomyopathy. Taurine concentrates in the Heart references and (5000-6000 mg per day of supplemental Taurine) may alleviate Ischemic Heart Disease. By normalizing Potassium flow into and out of Cardiac Muscle cells, Taurine normalizes the electrical excitability of the Cell Membranes of Cardiac Muscle and enhances the contractile strength of the Cardiac Muscle. Taurine modulates the activity of cyclic AMP within Cardiac Muscle. Persons who have experienced a Heart Attack often exhibit very low Taurine levels subsequent to their Heart Attack (indicating that supplemental Taurine may be highly advisable for persons who have experienced a Heart Attack). Taurine may also help to prevent a Heart Attack as it may help prevent potentially lethal Arrhythmias after Heart Attacks. Taurine is the most abundant and most important Amino Acid in the Heart (it is present in the Heart in greater quatities than all other Amino Acids combined). Taurine (6000 mg per day) may lower Blood Pressure in Hypertension patients (by suppressing Renin-Angiotensin). It usually requires four weeks of daily supplementation with Taurine before its Blood Pressure lowering effects occur.

Magnesium Citrate or Malate - Magnesium may exert antispasmodic effects on Blood Vessels. Magnesium supplementation may improve Heart function in Cardiomyopathy patients. It may also be beneficial for the treatment of Dilated Cardiomyopathy. Magnesium may prevent and treat most types of Cardiovascular Diseases. Approximately 85% of Mitral Valve Prolapse patients exhibit Magnesium deficiency and oral Magnesium supplementation (600-1800 mg per day) may alleviate many cases of Mitral Valve Prolapse. Magnesium supplementation may provide significant protection against Strokes (the Blood Vessels that supply the Brain are prone to vascular spasm during Magnesium deficiency and these vascular spasms that occur during Magnesium deficiency may result in a Stroke. With Magnesium supplementation, the Cerebral Arteries may relax and Blood Circulation to the Brain may improve). Magnesium (administered within six hours after the occurrence of a Stroke) may reduce the after-effects of Strokes. 100mgs and Potassium citrate 99mgs--this will regulate the heart and initially use each dose of each 3 times per day. Potassium is a very important mineral for the proper function of all cells, tissues, and organs in the human body. It is also an electrolyte (a substance that conducts electricity in the body) along with sodium, chloride, calcium and magnesium. Potassium is crucial to heart function and plays a key role in skeletal and smooth muscle contractions making it important for normal digestive and muscular function. Other studies show that increasing potassium intake reduces the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. Researchers suspect that this is largely due to potassium's blood pressure lowering effects.

Hawthorn Leaf - may improve the utilization of Oxygen by the Cardiac Muscle and improves Blood Circulation to the Cardiac Muscle. Hawthorn may prevent and treat many Cardiovascular Diseases. Hawthorn (pretreatment) may minimize the Brain damage that occurs after the occurrence of an ischemic Stroke. It may also protect the Heart against Hypoxia. Hawthorn may alleviate Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) by increasing the strength of Cardiac Muscle contractions and increasing blood circulation to the heart and by reducing the resistance of blood circulation in peripheral tissue. Hawthorn may also improve the production of energy within the heart and may improve the contrations of the heart muscle wall (the Myocardium) allowing it to more efficiently pump blood through the body and also protects the heart against Hypoxia. Hawthorn and Ginger Root may increase the contraction strength of the heart and may improve Energy production in the heart (due to its ability to increase the production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) by the heart. Recipe: to make a tea, take about a 3 inch slice of ginger--peel and chop--and add equal amounts of either Hawthorn Berry or Leaf and bring to a boil. Or, you can percolate this or take the same portions and and extract them in alcohol.

Olive Oil - Visioli and Galli reported that Oleuropein shows anti-athergenic activity. In 2003, Carluccio MA et al. reported that oleuropein reduces monocytoid cell adhesion to stimulated endothelium as well as vascular cell adhesion molecule-1. Reflow in ischemic hearts was accompanied by a prompt release of oxidized glutathione in ischemic hearts pretreated with oleuropein. This release was significantly reduced and was accompanied by prevention of membrane lipid peroxidation, which is considered a key factor in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.

machineman profile image

This is a link to a wealth of different information so you don't have to worry about what someone sounds and looks like Tony has Lyme disease which is why his face isn't looking good but he does look different now which is a testimony that goes against some peoples thinking

Another amazing chemical that would benefit so many of you is DMG (Di Methyl Glycine) or TMG (Tri Methyl Glycine) which is where an extra methyl group has been added Di is two methyl groups bound to glycine.

This is normally produced in your liver and is used to keep your arteries clean it has been tested at 50mg twice a day, and a large percentage of people rebalanced their heart within 20 days it provides oxygen for your cells as well as many other things, This has been tested by the Swiss, Italians and Russians for 20 years and has so many beneficial properties there are some really interesting studies concerning this and well worth a look around the net to see how this can benefit you.

As DMG is so potent at cleaning your arteries out it would be beneficial to take vitamin E combined with Alpha lipoic Acid this strengthens your artery walls.

Also lecithin combined with safflower oil is really good for clearing your arteries

when starting new approaches to healing yourself always try a small amount on your skin first to make sure you don't have a reaction wait around 5 hours

( and if you feel a sting or see a rash don't use it there are lots of different ways in combating ill health, to it)

when you ingest first always take a small amount and build up over the course of a couple of weeks and always wait around 3 hours either side of taking any medications in case of any interactions with them.

machineman profile image

Some things to avoid that you may not know about that can have an effect on your heart.

Tap Water

Most water has around 70 thousand contaminants including oestrogen, oestrogen removes testosterone from your heart so try and use Distilled water (his has a negative Ion in it which helps balance molecules)

Dairy produce

Again a high amount of oestrogen as well as pasteurising killing the majority of beneficial elements in the milk and the combination of homogenisation destroying all the fats in it and turning them rancid Milk also contains sugar around 56% lactose, once you have hit a certain age (40) your body normally stops producing the enzyme Lactase which digests the milk sugar once the lactase has stopped working the sugar then feeds bad bacteria upsetting the balance in your intestines this damages the villi which uptake nutrients from your food.


One study I came across followed 2000 people for 7 years and proved caffeine shortened the lifespan where decaffeinated didn't, again caffeine and tea contains high amounts of oestrogen it also inhibits serotonin uptake in the stomach which can lead to depression.


All grains are worthless to our bodies all high in oestrogen,

corn and bread are pretty much indigestible and again feeds bad bacteria.


I came across one study carried out in 1979 that declared soy protein isolate only be used to seal cardboard boxes soy really damages your thyroid and are high in oestrogens.

AnticoagulateNow profile image
AnticoagulateNow in reply to machineman

I am fortunate enough to live in Yorkshire machineman and my particular tapwater, straight from the clear bubbling becks of the beautiful Dales is without doubt the finest in the country. However, all UK tap water is fantastic. It is utter nonsense to even begin to suggest that tap water might be harmful. It's daily use in the UK by 60 million plus Brits must constitute the biggest medical trial ever. Who died?

As for the dancing, rambling idiot in the video? - well, he's certainly not a Yorkshireman!

machineman profile image
machineman in reply to AnticoagulateNow

No he is from Canada.

the water is contaminated if your water comes from a treatment plant

and here's a link to the small matter of 42 thousand people a year getting infected with campolybacter

just because you think the water is safe does not affect what the truth is

I see people would rather be Ill than learn anything. such a shame that people would rather make up things when they are based on nothing other than assumptions that are completely wrong.

and here's a list of heart drugs that deplete magnesium out of your body that many of you will be taking,

magnesium is essential for the heart as well as making about a thousand different enzymes.

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