Just back from a weeks cruise to France / Spain following on from my DCCV the week before. Things did not go as I had hoped . Woke up on first morning in fast AF / flutter which eventually settled so I just took things slowly. Same thing happened the following morning at 6am. Decided to get ' beta- blockered up ' & just ride ( or rather sail ) it all out.Felt pretty grotty much of the time, not helped by the Bisop.of which I normally take only 1.25mg .Made the best of it though could not get off to go walking in ports of call. Spent quite a bit of time on cabin balcony with my binoculars & book in lovely sunshine. Glad to be back home now . How sad is that?!! See my EP on Wed for next step.
AF on holiday: Just back from a weeks... - Atrial Fibrillati...
AF on holiday
Sorry to hear your holiday was spoilt- just wondered- does your AF always start early morning on waking as it may be the vagal type and beta blockers can make that worse- worth looking into
Thanks for your reply Rosy. I can recall what you mentioned in the past about vagal AF as this has never been mentioned to me in my 21 year AF history. Most of my AF does start in the night all early morning and sometimes bisop.will slow it but not always by any means. There does not appear to be any drug that will help me. I shall be asking my EP on Wed about the vagal business. Sandra
Rosy ...... Further to my reply, whenever I am taken to AE they always load me with Bisoprolol so I usually start the loading at home to save time! Lol
I think it's worth asking about as studies show that beta blockers make vagal AF worse ( also applies to Digoxin)
if that is the case,I hope that there is n alternative that suits you!
Sorry your holiday was spoiled. I love my cruises but as my arrhythmia's put me in hospital each time I dare not go now. Miss them dreadfully.
Hi Meadfoot -- thanks for your reply. It is v difficult to know what to do for the best re holidays. Are your attacks very frequent?I have been hospitalised many times with fast AF & had 13 cardioversions to date ( as well as 3 ablations & another in line ). I still managed to cruise many times in between all over the place with fingers crossed. However I will need more treatment before I go again ( ...was thinking of the Arcadia at Christmas ...... ) Sandra
I'm sorry to hear it was so disappointing. You were courageous to go! Dont give in to this condition! Rest well.
Sorry to hear your cruise was spoilt by AF. I used to find that when we went to France on the ferry I used to go into PAF as soon as the engines got going. I put this down to vibrations felt through the boat. My PAF seemed to be very prone to these sort of things. This is now sorted since my ablation. Hope this gives you food for thought. Jackie
That is interesting Jackie. Low frequency vibration often upset the human body. I could never stay long at Lakeside Shopping Centre as the balconies used to vibrate gently up and down with all the feet walking and make me feel really ill. . My wife thought I was just being difficult. lol
Funny you should mention vibration Bob,it affects me every time i get in a car the vibration always effects my throat like i,ve got a lump stuck in it
Hi Jackie -- very interesting to read your reply. When I went to bed 1st night the bed was so comfortable but I was bothered by the gentle vibration of the ship's engine ( my husband said that he was unaware of it ). I suspected at the time that it was starting up my AF but didn't say as much in case I was accused of ' imagining things ' !! So , yes I would say now that the vibrations played a big part in my AF problem this time. Another question for my EP on Wed. Sandra

Hi Sandra, hope that this observation adds some weight to you questions for the EP and he can give you some guidance for future travel. I am a lot better since the ablation so it's of to France again in a few weeks time. Jackie
Thats interesting Jay10....I have just returned from a week in France...and speed of the TGV (150 mph+)....did not bother me at all!! Luckily!!
We went on the TGV to Montpellier last Autumn and as all was well. I hope you had an enjoyable holiday as if I remember correctly youwere a bit worried about it. Jackie.
Thanks Jay10......yes it WAS OK....I did have a couple of dodgy nights, where my AF decided i was not going to be able to lay down and sleep, but nothing I couldn't cope with!! I am still intrigued about ferries/ships and vibration, as i live on the Isle of wight and the ferry never seems to bother me....perhaps it is because it is only 40 mins to 1 Hour crossing??
Hi Wightbaby, glad you got on ok. I think we all react to different stimuli and vibration is just one. As I said that was before my ablation but I also think the small ferry between IOW and mainland doesn't have such a powerful engine so it probably has a different resonance .
We had a holiday on IOW in 2012 and loved the calm and pretty scenery. Must return.
Take care, Jackie.
So sorry to hear that your holiday was spoilt by AF. I know that feeling as it happened to me once the night before going on holiday to Jersey. The tiredness and inabililty to walk far made me feel a real like a real 'wet blanket' for the whole week.. How are you know and if you are back in normal sinus rhythm what made it go back?
Hi Jean -- Thanks for your reply. I know all about the 'wet blanket' bit & try to keep cheerful but it can be very difficult when you suddenly can't keep up.My husband always suspects that there is aproblem looming if I can't break into a ' fast trot' when there are new shops to visit. In reply then, I went back into NSR spontaneously but I was in & out all week & the same now I am back home. Went to do a supermarket shop this morning which I nearly had to abandon as I flipped into fast Af for few mins. I think I may be in flutter much of the time but obviously. would not know for sure w/o ECG Thank goodness I am seeing EP on Wed.

What's the betting that on Wednesday, when you go to see your EP, you will be feeling absolutely wonderful and in perfect sinus rhythm!
Wishful thinking Jean but it would be lovely to feel really well again. There is so much I want to do.
Hi every one. I am going for my first visit to the clinic to start the Warfarin today. I don't know what to expect. The say I am Early-onset so I don't need any other drugs at the moment. We are booked to go to Egypt in November so I was very interested in the comments about holidays,any info will be appreciated.
Hi Tupelo. You should be pleased that you are being put on an anticoagulant at this stage. I have been on Warfarin for over 11 years & consider it to be my safety blanket. Hopefully you will soon get used to the blood test procedures & quickly get 'in range'. The only dietary restrictions are no cranberries & grapefruit . Otherwise everything in moderation. Yes, you can eat green leafy veg ( indeed you should ) & drink alcohol ( not compulsory ) but do not binge on these items.
Further on down the line you may wish to consider self-t esting by purchasing a Coagu Chek monitor. I bought mine quite recently & wish I had done so much earlier.
Please don't put your life on hold because of AF. Go on & enjoy your holidays, life is still for living.Do ensure that you mention Af in your holiday insurance. This is very important & should not make a great deal of difference to premiums at this stage.
Regards Sandra