Does anyone have any suggestions on how to feel better when breathless. Not just breathless from exertion but also when at rest.
Breathlessness: Does anyone have any... - Atrial Fibrillati...

I wonder if you are on beta blockers as these could be causing it. Anybody who has asthma or is borderline should not be on beta blockers. . You should discuss this with your doctor soon.
I am looking forward to some helpful answers to this. I can be breathless for no reason other than the Bisoprolol.
I try deep breathing. Instinct is Count of 3 in and 1 out but a therapist recently recommended Count of 1 in and 3 out. This latter option is hard to do. I just have to maintain steady breathing and rest until the episode ends.
I am not on any "lol"s. First one Sotanolol gave me first degree heart block and then Bisoprolol I only took for a couple of days and realised that Beta blockers are definitely not for me.
I am currently on Diltiazem slow release and had been quite good - but the last few days both the blood pressure and heart rate have been very erratic with dizzy spells and short of breath.
Thank you both for your responses - it does make me feel I am not alone.
When walking I do "blow as you go" as taught by Pulmonary Rehab. It helps a tiny bit.
I went through a bad couple of weeks last year much as you describe. Personally I think I had a virus and it eventually cleared up on it's own. I could hardly walk at times. My ticker slowed down and I was soooooo out of breath.
Just a thought
I've just had a massive spell of breathlessness, made worse by the fact I have just been offered a wonderful and demanding job. As soon as the formal offer came through, the breathlessness went back to its normal can't walk up hills type thing so I am wondering about anxiety as a cause now. Anyway I breath deeply and sit down if I can for a while. Driving seems to always calm me and slow my breathing down. I want to know what the blow as you go is as I have never been advised in anyway to come wiht breathlessness and it might help. I take a lot of contradictory drugs, beta blockers being one of them tho I may be asthmatic. No one ever asks about the combinations. Usually I am quite well.
The "Blow as you go" is ----
You inhale normally, then exhale by blowing through pursed lips. You can do this when walking or sitting. It certainly helps on tough days when any walking makes one feel puffed out.
I would love to hear of any other techniques that would help breathlessness.
'1 in, 3 out' and 'Blow as you go' are techniques used in coping with lung conditions such as Asthma and COPD. If you feel breathless or anxious you tend to hyperventilate ie breathe in more than out, leading to a build up of carbon dioxide in the system, which of course makes you feel very ill. It takes a while to clear so you need to persist.
I haven't experienced breathlessness in the way you describe - it must be pretty bad. I did get breathless on sotalol sometimes but that was due to exertion.
The way I look at it, you're not getting enough oxygen in and are not circulating it around effectively. One possibility is you give up the diltiazem if it's not working. I found it effective and helped mask my symptoms. It does limit the max heart rate though. If you would otherwise get very high HR then it may still be worthwhile, but if you don't then perhaps try stopping it, with your doctor's approval of course.
Another possibility is to try to improve your fitness. This may sound (and may be stupid!) but if you can improve your fitness you would be a lot less breathless in everyday activities. Could you go for a walk after work and try to push it as much as possible? You will obviously get breathless and feel uncomfortable, but if you are able to stick at it, your breathlessness would improve after a week or two. However if this is out of the question, then please ignore!
pulse oximeters are readily available and relatively cheap. I found I only got short of breath when I was resting and my pulse drop-down to the low 40s. Normally it wasn't too bad , but one night I woke up three times gasping for air and feeling like I had been unconscious. With the approval of my Dr I have stopped taking one of my rate control pills and I now only get down to the high 40s and am not getting breathless.
I do, with or without the Flecainide and beta-blockers - and my work is standing and exercising!
Try the following they are great! Free site, donations accepted. Good for learning
There are many that are free on the smartphones. Iphone : RespiRelax app
That one is for calming.... breathing is powerful work - increase your efforts gradually, and becareful with any breath-holding work in the beginning. Emphasis should ALWAYS be on a longer exhale than inhale for calming effects!
Hope this helps.
Thank you so much for your replies. I must admit I am not as fit as I used to be - at 80 the brain says I can, but the body is not so agreeable. I will try walking a little bit more. Having AF makes every suggestion worth trying.