Hi had my 2nd ablation 4 wks ago, I n... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Hi had my 2nd ablation 4 wks ago, I now get a pain in my chest when I raise my voice or cough almost in my throat too anyone else had this?
I've had two ablations, but have never had this. I wonder if you may have bit of an infection? Might be an idea to see your GP.
I agree with that.I never had any pain after the first week.after any of mine.
I am up for my first, and I hope only ablation. I would be curious as to what you and others did experience during the first week after your first ablation. I was going to let it all be a suprise, but you know the saying "'forewarned is forearmed"
Hi, I had an ablation about 3 weeks ago. The first week afterwards I did experience some aches around the chest area, these went fairly quickly. I think it is best to take it easy and do only mild exercise such as walking. I do like cycling and swimming but I am gradually going to ease myself back.
I sometimes suffer from stomach or mild abdominal aches but these are probably not to do with the ablation. On a positive note, my heart is beating regularly and I am hoping that it will continue to do so.
All the best
Than you all for your replies, I went to my GP this evening he said he was 99.9% sure its muscles around the area which I have strained whilst coughing and not anything worse. Lubho it's not that bad I was under Ga for the second as for the first it was a little uncomfortable but I was up and back at work after 10days and back in the gym after two weeks. My groin hurt more in the first but wasn't that painful in the second. Hope that helps