Weight Loss: Has anyone managed a... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Weight Loss

Tonyt70 profile image
15 Replies

Has anyone managed a substantial weight loss whilst suffering AF and taking Metropolol? I am 43 and have around 8 stone to lose, but I am finding weight loss slow even on low calories and mild excercise.

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Tonyt70 profile image
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15 Replies
MammaCass profile image

Hi Tony, I'm on Bisoprolol and flecainide, I've put on 2 stone since being diagnosed. I started my diet 7 weeks ago and have managed to lose a stone, it's not easy but I'm determined. I joined a slimming world club which has helped

Jomack profile image

I have been on a diet with slimming world since jan and have only lost 8lb so its is a bit slower then normal I hadn't thought of it till you posted this question but yeah I guess you right. I have another 2 and a half stone to lose and palan on being slimmer this summer! Keep it up hon. Good luck. ;0)

I'm on bisprolol, which is another in the same beta blocker family, and lost three stone last year. I'm trying to lose another three this year... It isn't easy but I think it's just a case of gritting the old teeth and being as strong-willed as we can, it is possible. Hoping we all keep up the good work! MammaCass is right, if you join a club you do get better results, if there's one in your area.

cbsrbpm profile image

Hi Tony,

I have lost 3 stone over the past year by just counting 1200 calories a day and yes that is very slow but I feel so much better for it. I have at least another 2 stone to go but will keep trying. I am on Flecainide 2 x 50mg and Diltiazem and Losartan.

Good luck.


Offcut profile image

I have AF, PAH, Athritisis and RLD and been told that I might find losing weight may be of help to me but I can not tolerate mild exercise so not 100% sure how they are going to do it I do not eat a great amount now?

ruthalem profile image

Hi Tony, I have been taking 10mg bisoprolol and 32mg candesatan for four years, in that time my weight has increased by nearly three stone and believe me I have tried so hard to control my weight gain. I walk every day, about three/four miles, briskly, I eat no red meat, cakes, biscuits, pastry, and have a very low fat diet. No matter how I try I cannot get my heart rate above 60 beats per min no matter what exercise do. I have now given up trying. My GP thinks I should take it easy because of my AF and advises just gentle exercise, if I do this I know I will gain weight even faster. I know you probably don`t want to hear things like this but at least you sound as if you are managing to lose a little weight so keep it up and I hope you have more success than I have had. Good luck and God bless.

dedeottie profile image

Since starting flecanide I have uncharacteristically put on half a stone. I was already on a low dose of bisoprolol so don't think it is that. Have joined wieght watchers on line this week as I wanted to know how much I could eat for my age e.t.c. I have stuck to it religeously for nearly a week so watch this space!

dedeottie profile image
dedeottie in reply to dedeottie

After a week doing wieghtwatchers I have lost 3pounds! I must say that I having really felt deprived either. Guess I must have been eating more than I thought I was.x

dedeottie profile image
dedeottie in reply to dedeottie

Pride comes before a fall! Having cheated at all and have lost nothing this week so guess it maybe a slower process because of the meds. Hey ho will keep going . At least it's not going up now.x

happyfeet59 profile image

Lost and continuing to lose weight since diagnosed with AF last Feb. Was making positive effort to lose weight since previous xmas excesses. Cut out all cakes, biscuits, desserts and reduced portions of pasta, rice, bread and potatoes. I have lost nearly two stone and I find I can no longer eat a normal portion of food, particularly in resturants.

I would now like to STOP losing weight!

I am currently on bisoprolol and digoxin and my pulse rate fluctuates between 85 and 115 bpm. So it is still quite fast. I think this contributes to weight loss but not sure why.

lizwright profile image

I lost a stone after diagnosis which I still think was mainly fluid and for the last ten years I have been plus or minus 100kg - the only person who seems worried about this is my GP - as none of my specialists see this as an issue and as my weight remains constant and as a weeks gastric flu followed by a week eating like a sparrow only lost me about 2lbs I am just grateful to be constant and have bought size 18/20 ward drobe to fit!!

01maxdog profile image

Cut out all processed food, loaded with salt as well. Take aways, too many additives. Pasta rice biscuits cakes etc all carbs in fact. Cheese esp hard cheese. Try the Duncan diet for a kick start, it worked for the middletons ! Lots of veg fruit fish chicken whole grains cereal pulses yoghurt and water. So important to keep hydrated. Good luck

deelan profile image

I am now focussed on weight loss and only eating very healthy fresh foods; no flour whatsoever. My EP/Cardiologist told me this week that there was a research completed last year in South Australian that only concentrated on people waiting on the public health system to have an ablation, while on the waiting list they were placed on a diet with lots of support and motivation. Fifty % of them no longer required the ablation because of their weight loss their AF was totally controlled, some with medication and some managed to stop taking medication all together. Good luck with the dieting; I am finding it difficult but determined to reduce some of my medication and live a long life! I am 57 years old and this network is a great benefit to me; I work fulltime as a counsellor in community health and for me having AF is really scary and I find it very difficult to control my anxiety; there needs to be more psychological support for people with AF; this network is a great help but AF is not only a physiological problem it impacts on many aspects of the individuals life.

Japaholic profile image

Interesting thread.....

Loo53 profile image

Nope I'm still 4stone overweight but hoping to join a cycling club in a few weeks! I've found messing with food for me doesn't work at my age the weight wont budge so just eat what I want but try and keep the gentle daily exercise up at least I'm not putting on any more weight and until I'm fit enough to hit the gym!

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