anyone know where could get a bracelet or necklace, to wear? instead of carrying the book I have looked on AF site and cant find anything , I am going to Canada in a few months and thought easier to wear something, Suzy
Hi I have AF and on warfarin, and Ve... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Hi I have AF and on warfarin, and Verapamil 120g I have a book for the warfarin to take with me in case I have a Accident or ill,

Hi Suzy Medicalert or something like that do all sorts of things you can wear but they work on a register system I think where you sign up and pay for your records to be kept on a data base with your own ref number. AFA have a card you can keep in your wallet or purse which is quite useful. Look on the main website for AFA and you can order one.
You may like to try this company - I bought a couple of great items from there.
Identify they do all sorts of styles but the silicon bands with a titanium engraved lozenge are the easiest and most fun as you get 10 different coloured bands and can change to go with your mood/ outfit.
Got my wrist bands from Amazon.
Just type 'Warfarin' into Ebay. Hundreds of results..... including free engraving.

I have a medic alert bracelet which looks good enough to wear with anything. You can have any relevant medical info put on it and as Bob says it is kept on a register so and they can be contacted if the need arises. I think it costs £25 per year plus initial cost of whatever item you have the info on.
I'd recommend MedicAlert as well. They are a charity and keep all your medical details and drugs on file with GP and hospital details. They run a 24hour helpline so if you do have an emegency, medical staff have access to details. You get a card to carry in your wallet with brief medical details and contact numbers and also can have a neck chain & disc or wrist bracelet. They also are integrated with the transplant register so you don't need to carry a separate donor card. It's £30 per year for the service but if you have difficulty with this I think they can waive this.
Reading all these suggestions gratefully and writing down some web addresses, thank you everyone! I've got a nice bracelet from the id band co, web address up above somewhere, but I like the idea of a dog tag as well for days when I want to wear another bracelet...
Hi ... I got my necklace and red bracelet on Amazon ... no problem
Hi Suzy - Hope you will not need doctors or hospitals while you are in Canada, but should you do so be assured they have some of the very best. I lived in Vancouver for 2 years and only have praise for the medical service there.
Thank you for your help. our Son &Daughter live in Alberta, our Daughter is getting married in June, that is why we are going over, not been over for 4 yrs we love going over its just the flight, now I have got this, 9hrs hopefully be ok Suzy
I got a very nice one through amazon. It is expandable and you can remove or add links. You tell them what you want put on it and they will engrave it. I have WARFARIN USER on mine . It also carries the red medical alert sign. One of the nurses in the hospital I visit commented on what a good idea it was.
Or you should be able to order one on Amazon or ebay
Type Medi Alert Jewelleryin your search engine and you will find lots of Pendants and bracelets on there all varying prices and all invaluable if you have a lot of special medicines to take.