Will the cardiogram that I'm having t... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Will the cardiogram that I'm having tomorrow start an AF attack or not has anyone had any adverse effects?

Terjo profile image
14 Replies

I'm hoping that something can be done to change my hypertension . I'm a bit scared to be honest and wish it was all over! Teresa

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Terjo profile image
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14 Replies
Bagrat profile image

Teresa, do you mean an exercise cardiogram also called " tread mill" test. When I had mine the tech said it "might" cause an attack but they would keep a good eye on me. I said that was not on as I had a house full of visitors at the time and it didn't. I was very out of puff ( I am retired) but was told it was "low exercise tolerance" - in English I was totally unfit ( and still am!!).

If you mean an echo cardiogram ( or cardiograph) I'm sure it has no effect on heart rate or arrhythmia.

Unless exercise is a trigger for you I don't think you will have any worries and then only rarely for the treadmill.

Wendy B

Terjo profile image

I'm sorry Wendy I used the wrong name of the procedure it's a cardiac catheterization, coronary Angiogram ( I've just looked at the booklet they sent me). I had one about 12 years ago but that was before I had AF and in a different hospital, don't know quite what to expect this time. Thank you for your reply, hope you are well. Teresa

BobD profile image

Hi Teresa That is to look at the arteries going into your heart to see if there is any narrowing which affects the muscle. It shouldn't be a problem I don't think but the die or contrast they use can do funny things sometimes. Please do not worry as you are in the right place to be looked after.. As the old saying goes you have nothing to fear except fear itself.


Terjo profile image

Thank you Bob. We're setting off for the hospital in about an hour. I'll let you all know how it goes. Teresa

Offcut profile image

I found out I was allergic to iodine /trace after mine. I just have to make the aware if ever they want to use it or an alternative.

Terjo profile image

All over! Nothing really amiss so that's a relief. The whole experience was carried out in the new diagnostic department which is spacious and well staffed.

The only thing that I find very annoying is always being lectured about high blood pressure as though I haven't tried loads of different pills.

The consultant wants me back on water tablets and beta blockers and couldn't believe that he'd prescribed clopidogrel when I left hospital last month. The clopidogrel actually made me feel better but did nothing for the hypertension. He's writing to the doctor and then I'll see him and see if we can work out another combination . Any ideas on this would be very welcome.

One tablet I was on a couple of years ago was a slow release one which made me feel awful but I couldn't stop the effect for 24 hours I could feel it kick in every so often , it really scared me so I'd rather not have those or combined pills.

The thing that he insisted I must be on is an anticoagulant either warfarin or one of the new ones. I have a coaguchek machine so do you think warfarin would be the better bet? I had a major liver bleed 6 years ago whilst on warfarin hence the machine bought when I had to take it before my cardioversion 3 years ago.

Sorry for the long spiel but I'm really going to try to find something that works and doesn't make me feel ill especially in my head (all foggy and forgetful) as I've had a wonderful summer. Thank you for reading this . Teresa

Beancounter profile image
BeancounterVolunteer in reply to Terjo

Yes glad everything went well Teresa, when I had mine they kept feeding me tablets to reduce my HR and they made almost no difference whatsoever, in the end they did the test anyway.

I agree about the anti-coag but which one?, where you at high INR when you had the liver bleed?, if so then with a machine I would go back on warfarin, but if you are worried ask about one of the newer ones which don't need a blood test.

Re the Hypertension, we all have to sort of experiment to see what works for us, I took Bisoprolol at first, and some here find that great, but it made me feel like a zombie, so they switched me to Diltiazem, and now I am fine and even stay awake in the afternoon :)

It will take a while to find the right combination, so the sooner you start the better, and the anti coag should not effect your "foggy and forgetful" at all, that will be the beta blockers usually.

Good luck


Goldiwonder1 profile image
Goldiwonder1 in reply to Beancounter

Hi bean counter was pleased to see you take diltizem I have been given that now forAF and was previously on bisoprol and that made me I'll so gladly ditched it. Do you have AF? Or is it for your bp? Anyway contined good luck with your. Medication.

Beancounter profile image
BeancounterVolunteer in reply to Goldiwonder1

Hi Goldiwonder, this is an old post but happy to answer.

I am in persistent AF in other words constant, but apart from that virtually symptom free. And I have found diltiazem much better

Be well


Goldiwonder1 profile image
Goldiwonder1 in reply to Beancounter

Hi again bean counter I didn't notice it was old post but anyway nice to talk to a co sufferer. How high does you hr get? Mine isg

Spasmodic and has Ben between 130 to 153 and because I'm an anxious person I've stopped a using my bp machine to check because I. Can feel my pulse rising when I use it because I am afraid to see results so use .meditation to I try and calm down and I don't test myself anymore just trust how I feel which is usually symptom free.

Keep well xx

Beancounter profile image
BeancounterVolunteer in reply to Goldiwonder1


Again very lucky with Diltiazem, my HR is usually around 80 sometimes 90 but not as high as yours, so very lucky.


Goldiwonder1 profile image
Goldiwonder1 in reply to Beancounter

Hi bean counter it would just like to make known that when given diltizem from hospital which is a calcium inhibitor I was also given large dose calcium tablets . I have checked web and it clearly states that the treatment of calcium is very dangerous and can cause fatality especially when needing calcium inhibitor. I have tried to inform hospital of their dangerous practice but don't know if they have taken any notice. The web site of side effects of calcium side effects under mercola.com says it all. I informed them of this and a junior doctor assured me she would look into it as lots of patients were given this just thought I would share this with you.

BobD profile image

Glad everything went OK Teresa. Personally I have no problem with warfarin and if you have your own machine think you would be fine but do talk to your doctor about options.


Terjo profile image

Thank you , Ian and Bob for your replies. I've been kicking this problem with what to take for the hypertension for years, longer than the AF condition.

At first I was put on Atenelol which made my breathing difficult the doctor told me to stop that immediately and put me on Bisoprolol . I stayed on this drug for years gradually getting more side effects such as swelling internally and not remembering things.

This year I've tried lowering the dose to 1.25mgs twice a day (with GP) and after a while gave it up completely. the positive side is that Ive felt great and have been able to do things that I couldn't do while on the drug but the blood pressure is high( over 200 in hospital).

I'm taking 1.25mgs again and will see the GP in about ten days when he has the cardiologists report. the bisprolol has not lowered the BP.

I also take Flecanide and asprin and HRT.

My liver bleed was when I was being monitored by the surgery my INR was 5 measured in the hospital when I was taken in as an emergency in the nick of time. We bought the machine when I had to go back on wafarin before the cardioversion about two years later. Teresa

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