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How do you normally feel after an electrocardioversion?

v624jbb profile image
10 Replies

Hi. I am due to get my first electro cardioversion on Thursday. I am a little nervous and wonder how I will feel after the procedure. I know of the main risks but was wondering about things like headaches, tiredness etc. I would appreciate any advice from people who have been through this. Thank you

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v624jbb profile image
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10 Replies
jeanjeannie50 profile image

You should feel fine after your cardioversion. The procedure is very short and there aren't any after effects that I'm aware of, other than perhaps a slight burning to the skin where the pads were placed on your chest. Saying that the three that I've had didn't affect my skin at all. I hope all goes well for you, please let us know.


schipperke profile image

Ive had 16 so a old hat at Cardioversions. If they work yr feel better instantly, you feel a little sore on the chest, yr heart may feel abit jumpy for a while but will settle. Good luck.

Maitha profile image

I had it twice

I didn't feel anything during the procedure will take seconds maybe but I was under anesthesia

I feel normal after but little tired and need rest maybe because I was on AF for a week before the procedure

And I went back to my normal life within two days without any burns at all

v624jbb profile image

Thank you everyone for your quick replies and good wishes. You have put my mind at rest

lizwright profile image

After a cardioversion and I have had at least ten, I feel ok but tired but for me I forget things so I have taken to writing down where I am with work or what I need to do in the days after the cardioversion.... Also drink plenty of fluids afterwards as my digestion shuts down for a day or so! You'll be fine.

Offcut profile image

My very first was back in the days of 4 TV channels + C5 on a good day and I had to burns however they have been not such a problem after that one and my ticker has been tick tock. Only problem I have gone back into AF at some time later on. :(

Be Well


mallet-head profile image

I've only had the one DCCV so a mere beginner compared to some of the replies I've read! Immediately afterwards

I felt absolutely marvellous, (after the anaesthetic wore off), walking out of the hospital with my daughter who came to pick me up, striding out like there had never been a thing wrong with me and feeling on top of the world as I walked the 250-300 yards to the hospital car park. Unfortunately I reverted back to AF after about 10 days or so later, but the EP said this is not unusual at my age (65). They have told me they won't do another cardioversion, but have listed me for for catheter ablation.

You will be absolutely fine. It's all done under GA, and the procedure is very quick, you are only "under" about 5 minutes. As others have said, there is sometimes a little tenderness at the points where the electrode paddles are placed, which will disappear in a day or so.

Try not to worry unduly (it is only natural to feel a little nervous) and good luck with your AF.


Tlwilkins1967 profile image

I had one April 29th the sound of it is scary, but they put you to sleep and you don't remember anything. I can breathe better now but am still a little tired

Japaholic profile image

I felt fine after my recent one BUT it lasted less than 24 hours. 20 minutes after the jolt I was great. Pity it didnt last.

Ren912 profile image
Ren912 in reply to Japaholic

Had it twice. The last time was a triple shot, each time my heart flipped back into AF. The third time I was waking up from the drug given and I felt like I was hit by a bus. Heart flipped back into AF immediately so will not nave another. The first occasion was fine, the second not so much, went home in AF.

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