What are your thoughts on this? Wondered if it could be on benefit for my father.
Metformin: What are your thoughts on... - Advanced Prostate...

I'm sorry that that University press release misinforms patients. The BIMET-1 trial that they based it on says:
"The trial was stopped early due to predicted inability to achieve its primary endpoint."
More on metformin:
Without contradiction to TA
It's better than most supplements. And it can't hurt when used in conformance with Dr. Instructions.
there have been some recalls due to contamination with carcinogenic NDMA.
Recent studies have indicated that Metformin is good for overall healthy lifespan.
You may google David Sinclair...professor at Harvard medical school.
His approach is to do individual clinical trials on supplements, as nobody will pay clinical trials for non-profitable drugs or supplements... whole health system is hijacked by Money, money....
A new generation of young researches using all high tech tools are working on Epigenetics...thru nutrition and better quality of life one may improve health span and measure effects with epigenetic clocks., sometimes called Horvath clock...soon it will be available normal salva test..price may come to 10 $.
We need more refined biomarkers.....not outdated blood tests....
Most revolutionary work is by Yamanaka , Nobel Prize in 2016, who showed t is possible to reverse age..He took normal cell and converted it to stem cell...age zero.
Now researchers will be working on reversing 80 years of epigenetics to 20 years...
When young, we are not sick
when old we get all diseases...due to rusty epigenetics...
Just reset the epigenetics....
Actually, our medical therapies may be called Stone Age therapies....
Soon fragmented medical outlook will be replaced by new unified scientific knowhow....
Keep dreaming and open our mental conditioning to new unified outlooks....
We have to conclude that weight of evidence is that Metformin has no measurable benefit for treating PC. Benefit for aging in the otherwise healthy is being tested in the TAME trial. Definite benefit for Type 2 diabetes, and pre-diabetes/ metabolic syndrome. If he has fasting glucose >100, abdominal obesity, high BP or abnormal triglycerides or lipoproteins. (at least 3 of these) Then Metformin may be of benefit. The recalls for contamination are in the past and no longer of concern.
For all the naysayers who claim that metformin has no benefit in fighting prostate cancer there is plenty of research that says that metformin does have a benefit. It is an inexpensive and widely used drug. Why not give it a try? I am taking it myself.
I recently tried metfomin for the last six months. I believe I lost a few pounds but it didn’t help me from becoming castrate resistant.
As an aside, Metformin is doing good things in a clinical trial in Sydney for patients with Alzheimers. I am trying to get my wife into the trial as she has early stage AD. Her older siblings both died of AZ after a 10 -12 battle.