Malecare's interest in you:
1. Malecare helps men and those they love to find solutions for problems caused by cancer.
2. Malecare helps men live longer and happier lives.
My interest in Malecare:
1. I founded Malecare as an act of revenge against the prostate cancer that killed my father.
2. Malecare is our laboratory to create ways to protect those we love from sadness and tears because of disease and death.
What is your interest in Malecare?
November will present you with many fundraising gimmicks about beard and mustache growing, road races, and claims of awareness-raising.
Malecare conducts pioneering research, collaborates with organizations worldwide, and facilitates many of the world's most helpful and longest-running prostate cancer support groups.
We do all this in the most economically efficient manner possible. But we don't do gimmick-based fundraising.
Malecare asks for your support based on the direct impact on your lives, such as the value you get from this community. Please donate here:
As the great philosopher Winnie the Pooh observed: "How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." We're not saying goodbye yet. And neither are you. Please donate today so that we can help you today and tomorrow.