Does anyone know of a high quality center with an emphasis on prostate cancer that will give a second opinion based on your medical records without traveling to the site?
Second Opinion Without Travel to the ... - Advanced Prostate...
Second Opinion Without Travel to the Site?

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center has a second opinion by mail/email but it seems that it is only for international patients.
Perhaps they do the same service for people living in the USA.
Dana Farber in Boston has an online second opinion:
UCSF has the capability for "Video Visits". It may take some time to arrange, but if you are an advanced patient, here are the primary informational/referral links for starters:
Ben Pfeifer @ Aeskulap in Switzerland will give you a SKYPE consult. He's and MD/PhD who used to be the head of prostate at MSK before returning to his native Switzerland to open a clinic.
I think most of the top MOs will- call their office to arrange it.
Prostate Oncology Specialists in CA
Rob and I recently had an hour-long phone consult with Dr. Mark Scholz with Prostate Oncology Specialists...It was a great deal of work getting Rob's prior records to them and the fee is $1200 for your first consult...but we feel that it was well worth it!
The phone number for Dr. Scholz is 310.827.7707....The staff there is excellent, as well.
I thank everyone who responded. I sent this out because i contacted MDAnderson and they only would deal with you if you physically showed up and went through several days of tests/scans and consultations.
I will work my way through the suggestions.
Tks again.
Dr Dattoli in Sarasota will do a free one hour call after you send in your records. He is a RO who only treats prostate cancer . What is your status and treatments so far? You should post it in your profile.
Hi Toad1
Go here:
I haven't tried it, but most likely going to give it a try very soon, like this week. They say from the time they collect all your pertinent medical records it only takes two weeks, but costs $850.
By the way-Mass General is considered by many across the world to be one of the best hospitals there is.