4-MU (4-Methylumbelliferone) - Advanced Prostate...

Advanced Prostate Cancer

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4-MU (4-Methylumbelliferone)

Neathuh1 profile image
23 Replies

In April, 2015, the Journal of the National Cancer Institute carried an article regarding the non-toxic dietary supplement 4-MU that was found to be "highly effective in both preventing and treating prostate cancer".  4-MU "blocks...the development, growth and metastasis of prostate cancer".  The results "were simply amazing". 

I have tried to find and purchase this supplement with no success.  Am interested if anyone knows more about it.  I'm headed to Europe in October and would like to purchase it if possible.  The tiny conspiracy theorist in me wonders if we haven't heard more about it because it doesn't produce a profit for pharmaceutical companies.   

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Neathuh1 profile image
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23 Replies
Neathuh1 profile image

Oops.  I forgot to mention that the article said this was a common dietary supplement in Europe and Asia. 

WendyL profile image

I think the published studies so far are only on mice. Hopefully, someone is moving forward on this.

struwwellpeter profile image

On 4MU since April last year until very recently.

No positive effect, even at huge doses.

Went from CTC of zero to 19, now suffering increasing pain, PSA, LDH, and alkaline phosphatase. ECOG went from 0 to 2 in six months. Progressive degeneration on all fronts, increased number and size of metastases, Provenge, Zytiga, and Taxotere failure.

PSA rise now parabolic.

For about 3 months I increased the dose to 4 times daily, a 6400 mg total daily dose, hoping for something since I had so much on hand and was progressing so fast.

Apparently 4MU is yet another effective drug for mouse cancer. I wonder that it didn't cause early failure of my other treatments.

Of course, your mileage may vary. If interested, Google "moncoinsante.com" and switch to English, US$, enter "Cantabiline" and choose FedEx for shipping to avoid a customs declaration. For some reason most credit cards won't allow purchases from that portal, so be ready to use Paypal.

Good luck.

Neathuh1 profile image
Neathuh1 in reply to struwwellpeter

Thanks for your reply.  I'm sorry it wasn't the answer for you.  Have you exhausted all the standard medical approaches?

struwwellpeter profile image
struwwellpeter in reply to Neathuh1

Still have Xtandi, Jevtana, and Radium left I guess. 

Impending death doesn't bother me as much as it used to.

ADT and chemo, now those suck.

However you slice it, shuffling along as a lame, bald eunuch in a diaper isn't living.

Neathuh1 profile image
Neathuh1 in reply to struwwellpeter

You and I have a few things in common.  I'm a veteran also...Navy...and from your dates of service I'm guessing we're not too far apart in age.  We're both guys, obviously, and we've both been waylaid by this disease that totally sucks.  There's no way to sugar coat it but I suspect the same is true for all cancers.   We both have incontinence problems and we're both not the sex machines we used to be (or like to think we were). 

However, I am an eternal optimist.  You say this isn't living.  I say its a different way of living.  We both have additional treatments to try and I know men...perhaps you do, too... who have lived with this crap disease for 30 years and wake up every morning with a smile on their face, thankful for a new day and new opportunities.  

I'm not saying I don't miss the guy I was but I'm not ready to throw in the towel yet.  And I don't want you to, either.  We're both still kicking and have as much as ever to offer others.  And others still love us just as much as ever.  Don't fool yourself, they do.  And we owe it to them to be their rocks because they're suffering right along with us. 

Friend, I only mean to extend my hand and offer hope.   As long as we're breathing we always have that.  Besides, we're veterans and are a bit tougher for the experience.  I'm rootin' for you and you're in my prayers, if that means anything to you.  It sure doesn't hurt.       

struwwellpeter profile image
struwwellpeter in reply to Neathuh1

Thanks. Your message meant more to me than you could imagine.

durango profile image
durango in reply to Neathuh1

I make you so right you have said it all I spent all my young life in the merchant navy going back to the 50,s when I joined up as a boy I have seen plenty I still have more to see hopefully , again who knows what,s around the corner , we don't that's for sure I to am sick of this disease and how it,s taken over my life but I do my best to face it with a laugh and a joke not always possible but there is only one way and that's forward mates best regards Dave

Lombardi24 profile image
Lombardi24 in reply to Neathuh1

Apparently you havent been rejected by the one person you love because you're not the man you were physically and you have to undergo all these monstrous treatments. And...the guys living for 30+ years often don't have the highly aggressive prostate cancer that we have. Its killing us faster than treatments can be developed and we burn through every treatment currently available in 1/4 of the time it takes others guys with a less invasive or aggressive cancer. I was positive in the beginning...then I was rejected by my partner and now I live knowing that there is only chemo left that works (highly poisonous). So...where's the hope?

Lombardi24 profile image
Lombardi24 in reply to struwwellpeter

I couldn't agree more. I'm not doing chemo again. If and when (and we know it will) it begins to be nonresponsive to current treatment (lynparza) I'm done. There is no living with ED and a non masculine physique...and no hope of a cure. I'm tired of grieving the loss of my sexuality and manhood.

Papillon2 profile image
Papillon2 in reply to struwwellpeter


Charles4212 profile image

Have it shipped by postal from the French/Belgium pharmacy as FedEx will send it to the fda before delivery. It is not an approved drug by fda so you won't get it past the Feds. Unless you get  us Doctor prescription for it. 

Neathuh1 profile image
Neathuh1 in reply to Charles4212

Thank you.  Based on the other replies I received I think I'll put this on the back burner for awhile.  Glad to know it works for mice, though.  Mickey can rest easy.   

Magnus1964 profile image

Here is a website that sells 4-MU  selleckchem.com/products/4-...

I would do some further research before ordering this. I just did a quick search to find a supplier.

Charles4212 profile image

if you did not find 4mu in Europe on your recent trip Email me. I have a pharmacy in France/Belgium who will ship it to you. I have ordered it many times but you have to us the postal service to deliver it other wise it is stopped by the FDA as an unathorized drug in the US.

Charles Calvin


Neathuh1 profile image
Neathuh1 in reply to Charles4212

Hi Charles. To say I'm impressed that you took the time to note when I was going to Europe and reply to my post is an understatement. Thank you so much. I appreciate it.

I am not going to use 4mu at this time. My PSA is continuing a steady rise but remains low and I am going to suggest to my urologist the we give Metformin a try. It sounds like a more researched approach with few side effects. He will likely suggest ADT but I've been that route and, as you may know, it's not pleasant. It made me want to watch Days of Our Lives everyday and The Sound of Music every night. :)

Thanks again for your thoughtfulness.

Charles4212 profile image
Charles4212 in reply to Neathuh1

I have been using a rife machine I got from Spookey2,com that has pretty much stopped my PC even thougth I have cancer in the bones. My pain has diminished so that it no longer bothers me. You might look into that.

Lombardi24 profile image
Lombardi24 in reply to Charles4212

What is a rife machine?

Charles4212 profile image
Charles4212 in reply to Lombardi24

go to Spooky2.com

You can join the Forum( where questions are asked and learn what the machine does. If you want to call me on the phone, I am in the USA, I can explain faster than I can type. Just send me your phone number and a time of day best for you.

Royal Raymond Rife was a scientist who under the supervision of the CA medical society in 1934 cured 14 people of cancer in 3 months, two other of TB in about 4 months.

I still have cancer in my bones, but no pain. read here: spooky2-mall.com/blog/how-r...

See testimonials:spooky2-mall.com/usertestim...

Scruffybut1 profile image
Scruffybut1 in reply to Neathuh1

Just briefly. I have diabetes and have used Metformin for around 30 years without problems. Have obviously kept using it as PCa tries to run me down. Good luck.

Lombardi24 profile image

How did u decide on dosage (400mg 3x daily)? Is it working for you?

vagner profile image

I started my medical treatment 2 years ago and it had already metastasised. After 2 years, Lupron alone stopped working. My doctor will add Xtandi and I started taking 4MU, but you said it don;t lower PSA.

I saw all the supplements you listed, and I choose Pterostibilene, 8PN, Milk Thistle and Reishi to buy. Do you believe this conbination would help to lower the PSA?

johnscats profile image

hi max i just started some of your stuff im on 4MU and milkthistle plus adt and rso oil how did you get the papers from opperation paper clip i would like to read the one on 4MU john

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