If you live in the Midwest, come join us!
CHADD's Midwest Regional ADHD Conference on April 20th in Des Moines, Iowa.
This year, our keynote speaker is Ari Tuckman, psychologist and author who specializes in relationships and ADHD. Ari is also the author of several books including "More Attention, Less Deficit." Our day-long conference will also include the following presentations.
Presentations for Parents/Caregivers:
The Impact of ADHD on Neurotypical (and Neurodiverse!) Siblings and Family Members with Jane Indergaard, DNP, RN and Jeremy Didier, LMSW, LMAC
Behavioral Management with Nick Swanson, Mississippi Bend AEA, School Social Worker
Helping Your Child Build Better Executive Functioning Skills with Nick Swanson, Mississippi Bend AEA, School Social Worker
Presentations for Adults with ADHD:
Keynote & Adult Relationships with Ari Tuckman, PsyD adultadhdbook.com/
Workplace issues with Ron Snider former Sr. Labor Relations Consultant at Alcoa
Money Management with Christine Kotik, coordinator of CHADD of Ohio and ADHD coach