Has anyone had success with Omega3 oil?
Omega3: Has anyone had success with... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...

Unfortunately no.
I went through several I really put my hopes on with the Neba brain booster captain calm and the other one they sell for ADHD.
The doctor said it helps but it is very very minimal and takes more than 6 months and as parents we may not even see the difference.
At the moment we are working with a dietitian and occupational therapy for my son who has the more hyperactive ADHD( my other kids have the inattentive type). We are doing a High protein diet very low carbs and sugars since carbs are turned into sugar. Reduce processed foods and additives along with dyes. A high protein diet helps them be able to focus more. The diet has worked far more than the omega 3 liquid.
We just started this. I just got the book finally focused which I can’t put down! It’s by Dr James Greenblatt. It’s a natural treatment plan for ADHD and there are many success stories and study groups. We just started magnesium glycinate 120 mg twice a day and fish oil with dha and epa equaling 1000 mg. It’s important you get the correct type. Also 25 mg of B6. I highly recommend this book though!
Omega-3 has many, many benefits but improvements take time. I am not familiar with prescription Omega-3 oil but OTC fish oil supplements are weak in actual EPA and DHA. Most brands offer 300 mg of Omega-3 per 1000 mg of oil. How much EPA and DHA is in yours?
Hopefully your dietician is current with the research. Capt Joseph Hibbeln, M.D. works at the National Institute of Health and is the leading scientists in Omega-3 research world wide. Google him.
The other side of the coin with Omega-3 is Omegas 6 and 9. The real problem is the overabundance of Omega 6 in our diets mostly from soy and corn. Omega 9 comes from olive oil and is generally considered good. It is the ratio of 3-6-9 that is important and the huge amounts of 6 in our diets overwhelm the others.
Unlike prescription drugs, dietary changes will take months to work and the changes are so slow that the improvements are hard to see. ADHD meds take less time but they too need to be given time and testing as to quantity. Quantity is so important. Most studies on Omega-3 showed results when Omega-3 intake exceeded 1000 mg a day of EPA and DHA. EPA and DHA have separate effects and which one is needed more depends on the condition being studied.
It sounds like you are on the right track with the diet. Don't give up on the Omega-3. Besides ADHD, there are other benefits to Omega-3.
Add the Pax Good Behavior Game to your school teachers and you have a great chance to change the future and improve self-control. Google Pax GBG and Dr. Dennis Embry.
We started to supplement with Omega 3 and magnesium. We still have no results because when it comes to supplementation the process takes time in what the body absorbs.
Pretty much what Pmommyof5 said:
There is some data supporting Omega 3 use with ADHD. But it is very very minor improvement & will take a long time.
We just started to give my son a spoonful of ground chia seeds per day. They are full of omega 3 and yes will take time to see a difference. I make them into healthy snacks by blending them into chocolate or peanut butter balls. He eats them up no problem. Will keep you posted. We will also start Magnesium this week as well. I did get the book Finally Focused on Kindle and it has tons of good info!