Anyone have an experience following the anti inflammatory protocol? After my last horrific flare up I've decided to try it on for three months and see how my body responds. I believe my body wants to heal, and I know being on a plant-based whole foods diet has already helped me tremendously. Just taking it a step further now.
Anti Inflammatory Diet: Anyone have an experience... - ABDA
Anti Inflammatory Diet

Hi Monique,
How is your diet going? I’m a Functional Nutritionist and health coach specializing in Behcet’s (I also have Behcet’s). I use the autoimmune paleo diet as the foundation of my Behcet’s Protocol for my clients.
I’d love to hear how you’re doing with diet changes.
Happy New Year!
Sara Mushel, MS

Hello there,
I see it’s been a while since your post, please excuse my delayed response. I am recently back on the anti-inflammatory diet after some inconsistencies these last few months. It’s been about 2 months since starting again. My body seems to be slowly healing, as it’s responding well to my dietary changes. I’ve also introduced a pre-biotic supplement into my diet.
Here’s what I’ve eliminated, and will continue to:
I haven’t eaten meat or dairy in 3 years.
Caffeine(except for the occasional chai tea, which is about 40mg of caffeine)
All seeds but organic hemp seeds and organic flax milk
Vegetable oils
I hadn’t heard about the “autoimmune paleo diet” until reading your response. I’m curious and will be reading further, as it has similarities and differences to the anti-inflammatory diet.
It’s great to see a health professional who understands this dis-ease first hand. Currently, my goal is to go as long as possible without a flare. This year alone I’ve gotten one each month. Only prednisone brings reprieve, and I know that’s going to take its toll on my body eventually. I’m working with a Naturopath doctor to explore more viable treatment.
Have you or any of your clients experienced a long duration without flare given your protocols?
I’m also working on rebalancing my hormones, as they’ve been out of whack for a few years now. Supplementing with holy basil, vitex, ashwaganda, Maca, and Rhodeiola rosea has helped quite a bit so far. I understand there is a correlation to hormones and auto-inflammatory conditions. Would love to hear more about your experience treating and managing Behcets!