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PBC Foundation

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All posts for May 2012

anyone tried milk thistle

I have been taking 2000 mg of milk thistle a day for the last 8 years it helps a...
Judy48 profile image

Has anyone tried Milk Thistle (Sylmarin) for PBC? Has any doctor recommended this?

dinnyd profile image


Hi all Just wondered if anyone has had of got Jaundice and if so if anyone know...
chardan profile image
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This website is wonderful! Good people sharing good information. When family and...
Hidden profile image

I take Ursodeoxycholic Acid for PBC does anyone else?

Maggs3petts profile image

Lets talk Gallbladder

Do you still have yours? Is it causing you any problems? If it was removed, ho...
kosy2 profile image

esa tribuneral

i have been told my tribuneral date wont be till aug iwent my med sep only score...
milley profile image

Causes of PBC

I know all the 'experts' say they don't known what causes PBC and that there is ...
MrLiverLiver profile image

Pancreatitis and PBC?

I am in hospital at the moment with Pancreatitis I had my gall bladder removed i...
Trish_W profile image

Anyone experiencing dry eye with PBC? If so, what do you do about it? I have tried different drops but still have trouble.

dinnyd profile image

I have had a hysterectomy and have no itch. Does this apply to anyone else?

Just curious as a couple of you commented on the itch being related to your peri...
Jtxx profile image

Another Endoscopy for throat tightness???? -:(

Has anyone had an Endoscopy for having tightness in throat like your air is bein...
Tumbleweed41 profile image

Is there a connection to PBC?

I thought it would be interesting to see a list of symptoms people have had (som...
kosy2 profile image

Is my consultant right?

I was diagnosed with PBC about 4 years ago. My consultant says all my bloods are...
alhw profile image

Does anyone suffer from racing heart and sometimes even palpitations after eating?

I was diagnosed following a biopsy in 2010 and have had the problem of a racing ...
Kaywal profile image

how do you "engage teenagers"

Ok, I know they are a difficult age group to deal with normally, but I would be ...
busylady profile image

Is it just me.....

or do you find that you have less tolerance to life's stresses? I seem to go in...
kosy2 profile image

Hi, am new to this, have been diagnosed for just over a year now but dont know if I have any symptoms,

apart from fatigue, I have now got horrendous tummy problems and am being pushed...
Jaycee profile image