As your primary medical contact, do you f... - PCOS UK (Verity)

PCOS UK (Verity)

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As your primary medical contact, do you feel that your GP has enough knowledge of PCOS, it's symptoms and how to manage it, to support you?

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6 Replies
Bluelady-sing profile image

No my gp does not

Glaciera profile image

No they do not, nor do they care about PCOS.. they point blank refused to run further tests claiming it's only important to look into it further or treat if I am menopausal or experiencing difficulty conceiving. Ignorance all around.

FrancyItaly profile image

No, one of them told I will take a long time to get pregnant and I got pregnant 3 months later. One referred me to a specialist as I don’t ovulate every month. They all say and do different things!

CrazyCatMazza profile image

I don't really think it's taken seriously by gp's. Seem keen to stick you on the pill to shut you up til you want to conceive. No real concern for underlying reason why initial hormones imbalanced. I had to research myself to look at things like insulin resistance and find supplements myself to improve this.

MadgeB77 profile image

I was told that I have PCOS even after I previously had regular periods till my early 40’s and when my ovaries were checked, they advised that they are normal (very confusing!) I also haven’t been given any medication so it’s always in the back of my mind and makes me worry! Has anyone else experienced this?

Mokomonkey profile image

I believe the Doctors and other medical bodies don't really care much about PCOS. As all I've been told is if I lose weight I'll get rid of it. It seems to be the excuse for everything now if you lose weight everything else will disappear.