About - Living with Asthma | HealthUnlocked

Living with Asthma

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About Living with Asthma

Living with Asthma is a community for people with asthma who want to learn more about their condition from their peers, and help support one another. The community is run by Allergy & Asthma Network, the leading nonprofit patient education and advocacy organization dedicated to ending needless death and suffering due to asthma, allergies and related conditions. Our patient-centered network unites individuals, families, healthcare professionals, industry and government decision makers to improve health and quality of life for people with asthma and allergies.

Moderation team

PaulTury profile image
DeDeAAN profile image
Maryhart profile image
Peterkarljohnson profile image
PeterkarljohnsonAsthma Captain
Erin001 profile image
Erin001Asthma Captain
Minushabens profile image
MinushabensAsthma Captain
Putnam profile image
PutnamAsthma Captain
Mahod profile image
MahodAsthma Captain
campisa profile image
campisaAsthma Captain
DPK1955 profile image
DPK1955Asthma Captain
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