i saw my consultant last week i went to my dr as i was getting short of breath over a year later the consultants words were we have your results you have a stiff heart keep taking your meds ,(these i have been taking for over 10years ) good bye so what next my dr isnt much more help,when they say change your life stile so i dont drink or smoke ,i cook all our food fresh as my husband is diabetic and i dog walk 2 t0 3 times aday across fields so what now
restrictive cardimyopathy: i saw my... - Unsalted Heart
restrictive cardimyopathy

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please research magnesium deficiency and symptoms of magnesium deficiency its the only natural way to remove calcium from your organs you have calcification of the heart and any other organs that the calcium has been deposited start taking magnesium asap there are different types good luck