Did you have post-transplant complica... - National Foundati...

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Did you have post-transplant complications? Your survival story needed. 3 operations in 3 weeks. Will to live slipping.

i-love-my-friend profile image
3 Replies

My best-friend had a liver transplant 3 1/2 weeks ago. Things have not been going smoothly. He's had two operations since then (three in total), plus excruciating pain and terrifying hallucinations.

When he found out he needed a third operation he started feeling suicidal -- not constantly, but on and off. He's *very* excited about his life after the hospital and is full of plans for the future. Plans for things he wants to do to enjoy life and also things to help others and make the world a better place. But at times the present just felt too unbearable to endure.

He got the third operation a few days ago, and for a couple days it seemed this had solved the problem. Other than weakness, he said he was feeling better than he had in years. But then the intense pain came back and the hospital staff are now doing tests to try to figure out what's wrong.

I don't know how he's doing psychologically now, but I'm worried he will feel suicidal again. I don't think he will try to kill himself. But I'm worried about him losing the will to live, because how strong your will to live is can make a big difference in whether or not someone survives something like this.

If you went through something similar, or know someone who did, it would be great to hear your story. It could give him that extra boost that he needs to hang in there.

I will send him the link so he can read it, or his girlfriend can read it to him.

He's a truly good person, and I know if he lives the world will be a better place because of him. Please help.

I will send him the link so he can read your stories. Thank you so much.

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3 Replies
i-love-my-friend profile image

Update: My friend is alive and doing well! He's back home and his recovery is going well, with his health steadily improving! He's happy and oh so grateful to be alive.

LisaSnow profile image
LisaSnow in reply to i-love-my-friend

Thank you for being a good friend to support him.

i-love-my-friend profile image
i-love-my-friend in reply to LisaSnow

Thank you! Happy to say he's been doing great. He had some pretty serious mental health struggles post transplant (due to the trauma of the experience), severe depression and even suicidal. It got pretty bad not long after I posted that update three years ago, and it was a difficult time to be his friend (he had anger issues, too). But he's been doing so much better for about a year now, he's enjoying life and we're enjoying our friendship again.

Thank you for your comment. I wish you and your loved ones all the best.

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