Hello Everyone,
It’s been a while since I’ve been on here; probably about 4 years now. I think that was when I was going on APD I asked for advice. I did go on CAPD, then APD. Unfortunately, after 2 really bad peritonitis and a lot of drama, my peritoneum failed. I was immediately mapped for a fistula (another drama filled story in my life).
It was time to Start Haemodialysis (HD), then my needle phobia reared its head (Another drama🙄). I finally moved home to do Home Haemodialysis (HHD) which also had its dramas but I weathered it. I was called in Oct ‘17 but I didn’t get it. I was second choice. This time, I refused to entertain the drama.
In March this year, I got the call!!! I could not believe it. I was tired of the drama at each stage. I was taken in at 2am and came out at 9am. I was ecstatic. It was a dream come true. I’m now 14 weeks post transplant with some small dramas but not major.
I’m currently campaigning in the African community for blood and/or organ donors. I’ve been to London to talk to Faith Leaders and I’m doing the same in Manchester too. I’ve started writing blogs on kidney disease and transplant. If you’re interested, it’s on hilaryslifehacks.com. I want to honour the memory of my donor by encouraging our community to step up to opt in on the donor register. It’s good to be back!