How long have you been waiting on the... - Kidney Transplant...

Kidney Transplant Patient Support

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How long have you been waiting on the Transplant register?

11 Voters

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4 Replies

Are you a rare blood group? Are there other complications? Have you ever had the call? Tell us your experiences.

transplant1 profile image
transplant1 in reply to

I'm B Positive....only 9% of country have this blood type.

Was on Activated Donor List for 11 weeks.

Was never on dialysis but was just about to have tube inserted for peritoneal dialysis. I delayed op because I was about to become a grandma for the first time and did not want to miss this special occasion. Got my "call" 8 weeks after my grandson was born. Had transplant 6 years & 7 months ago. Now have 5 grandchildren :-)

moggie64 profile image

I'm B+..

been called up 4 times at MRI.

even been as far as sign consent forms for transplant op'.

longest time waiting from phone call to " yes it's for me" or "no.. you can go home" is

18 hours......

But if it's not for me .. my time will come .. and it did this year.. :-)

transplant1 profile image

Many congratulations moggie64. Keep taking the tablets, keep up appointments and keep your little black book going! Enjoy your wonderful gift.