Tell us your views about education for young people with Tourettes Syndrome!
Birmingham City Council, Access to Education, Communication and Autism Team would like to hear from parents of children and young people aged 9-16 years old with Tourettes Syndrome from across the UK about their experiences of support in school and what type of support they feel would be useful.
The aim of the research is to find out what support pupils with TS and their families receive and what they feel would improve their experiences in school. This will then guide the practice and support for the pupils and families we support.
You will find the parent survey at:
There is also another survey for the children and young people aged 9-16 to complete which asks similar questions as we would like to hear from young people themselves.
You will find the young people’s survey at:
If you have any questions about either of the surveys or the research or feedback please contact either:
Debbie Horton
Autism Advisory Practitioner
Communication and Autism Team
Jaffray Building
Fentham Road
B23 6AB
0121 675 5057
Seonaid Anderson
Tourettes Action
Research Manager