I am experiencing unbearable tinnitus for the last 2weeks my head is just a mass of noise. Had it for 24 years, been everyware for help.
Have ENT appointment end Jan, will try to get improvemrent
I am experiencing unbearable tinnitus for the last 2weeks my head is just a mass of noise. Had it for 24 years, been everyware for help.
Have ENT appointment end Jan, will try to get improvemrent
Hi Pete,
Just posted elsewhere that a lot of folk are reporting really loud Tinnitus. I, too have had a spike lasting last few weeks. I put forward that there's so much low-level infection around at the moment; colds/ flu and other head-cold lurgies. This can and does make the Tinnitus change and in most instances - make it louder - sometimes much louder. As the infection goes the Tinnitus lags behind on slowly climbing back down to original sound levels.
Could this be a good fit for what's going on for you too?
I posted to Bbcoach just below my idea of what could be 'winter tinnitus'. We are getting a cold one this year and I've been shivering. Can tinnitus 'shiver' too, I wonder...
According to cbt for tinnitus book good news is that its just distress
Can tinnitus cause headaches or other problems?
Based on clinical observations, there seem to be several sensa- Dons that can be related to or caused by tinnitus distress. They range from various forms of muscle tension to oversensitivity to sound, referred to as hyperacusis.
Tension in the head and face muscles can lead to headaches. A study conducted in Sweden by Dr Lugo and colleagues showed that the prevalence of headaches among people with tinnitus was 26 per cent, and up to 40 per cent for people with severe tinnitus. This is higher than the prevalence in the general population. The headaches may be related to the stress and anxiety caused by tinnitus, or they may be related to a pre-existing problem like migraines. If the former is the case, the CBT methods described here may reduce the incidence and/or severity of headaches. If the latter, a doctor may be able to diagnose the root cause of the headaches or prescribe medi- cation for the migraines.
APD There are tiny muscles attached to the ossicles, the tiny bones yow in the middle ear that connect the eardrum to the cochlea (part mes por of the inner ear), as illustrated in Figure 3. If the muscles con- tract, they stiffen the ossicular chain, leading to a reduction in he pes the transmission of sound from the eardrum to the cochlea This occurs as a natural reflex when we are exposed to an intense sound; it helps to protect the delicate structures inside the cochlea. The muscles relax when the intense sounds stop. However, sometimes the muscles can contract for a long time without any intense sound being present. This can lead to
From cbt tinnitus book
Just think B instead of A
Living Well with Tinnitus
Tinnitus makes me feel tired, as I cannot sleep well at night. Tinnitus is a terrible disease with no cure!
I am lying down and con despite hearing tinnitus. This is the second best compared to a deep sleep. Resting helps to energise me. Even if there is no cure, I can still live well with tinnitus
A Tinnitus affects my sleep and concentration. Hence it reduces my efficiency. I can no longer be in control at my workplace.
I can concentrate on my tasles most of the time. I can do whatever I need to do despite the difficulties caused by tinnitus. This makes me feel strong.
A.Tinnitus invades every aspect of my life and makes me feel useless.
Tinnitus is present most of the time and is a nuisance Regardless of tinnitus, I can do whatever I need to do. This makes me feel useful.
4. A I make lots of mistake coz of my t
I can do most things as well and accurately as I used to before I had tinnitus. It may take me slightly longer to complete my tasks. It is OK to double check my work for accuracy. My performance is intact despite tinnitus.
Tinnitus is like a fog that affects my performance.
I can see, hear and think even when I hear tinnitus Loud and clearly.
Hope ent will be able to help
Google: ELECTRO MAGNETIC FIELDS + TINNITUS. I know what I believe. We're all suffering because of this.
The technological applications of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF; frequencies 100 kHz to 300 GHz) have been steadily increasing since the 1950s. RF-EMF are used in medicine (e.g. magnetic resonance imaging, diathermy, radiofrequency ablation), industry (e.g. heating and welding), domestic appliances (e.g. baby monitor, WiFi), security and navigation (e.g. radar and RFID) and especially in telecommunications (e.g. radio and TV broadcasting, mobile telephony). These developments mean that large parts of the global population are now exposed to RF-EMF and more will be exposed in the future. Concern has been raised regarding public health consequences from RF-EMF, in particular related to involuntary exposure from fixed site transmitters, and it is therefore crucial to perform a health risk assessment to support decision-makers and the general public (Hutter et al., 2004, Kheifets and Ritz, 2006, Schreier et al., 2006).
The World Health Organization (WHO) has an ongoing project to assess potential health effects of exposure to RF-EMF. etc