Hi everyone Emer here again from Ireland and I just wanted to post to say I had my MRI scan early this morning. I was very nervous and they were so nice to me. Two of the technicians brought me in to room and gave me earplugs which were actually tiny bit stronger than the ones I had plus headphones to wear over them. I did find it unpleasant but not too bad and it was only fifteen minutes long.
The ear plugs worked well enough but the noise is loud and dont know that anything can totally obliterate it. Anyway afterwards was absolutely fine except for pressure headache at back of head. As day has worn on I am definitely hissing for first time in a long while and the back of my head is so sore. Always think I have a strange type of tinnitus which is more to the back of my head than my ears and more of a sensitivity than a hearing issue. However the main thing I want to say to myself and here is that even though its a bit distressing and I have to allow accept and trust that as has happened many times before - it will most likely settle and leave again. The one thing I do want to clarify is that it was absolutely the right thing to do and I am reassured that I will hopefully have peace of mind in relation to my back and issue with my leg which would not happen without the MRI. Long winded e mail I know but I want to thank people for their support. It was a surprise to be fine initially and then later to feel it.
Trust and calm that it will ease and leave me. Things always pass and never stay the same at least in my experience.
Thanks to all for reading