Does anyone take diazapam to sleep every night and what strenght
Diazapam: Does anyone take diazapam to sleep... - Tinnitus UK
Tbh you would need to read the info leaflet for correct dosage,BUT also check whether it has side effects and what they are.
The lowest strength is usually best but 7 days is the Normal length of use after that they become addictive and lose their effect
You'd need to speak to your docs and consider this carefully. As noted above, diazepam (valium) is addictive and they won't usually prescribe it long term.
Your GP should be able to make a suggestion re alternative meds to help you sleep. I realise I'm extremely fortunate in that my T has never really affected my sleep, but I still take 10mg of Amitriptyline every night.
GP will only give this medication for about 7 to 14 days if you are having trouble getting to sleep because of your tinnitus have you tried low level masking.
Google play have some very good apps you can use on your mobile
Good luck x
I was given enough by out of hours to take me to seeing my GP - I was put on zoplicone low dose - then switched to low dose mirtazipine when I slept a hour without meds. So speak to your GP about options I initially thought this was a short term issue following infection then realised for me it was long term issue following continued noise exposure.
Get yourself a sound relief pillow which has low volume speakers embedded in it which can be plugged into a mobile phone or MP3 player. I had got mine from HearingDirect and although the ringing sound is still there, I use Binaural beats off an MP3 player as Emily62 has said above that it does mask the tinnitus.
I have been taking herbal sleep medicine for last 6 months. It helps a lot
Kalms. Night and Day. A tablet a night and non addictive. It truly helps and also use some sleep spray on pillows etc
Also read as well.
Try it and kicks in after a few days but you must wind down. Even if you get 3 or 4 hours sleep it’s better than 1 or 2.
Cool and hope all is ok as it can be a struggle which I know so well 😞
I take 20mg of amitriptyline and 10mg of melatonin. You can get melatonin from the US.
Where I live we get it I got 2 boxes not sure to take untill see doc this week I'm on diazapam and zolpadem with ant depressants once I'm off diazapam. And sleeping pills I see if they work