Hi all, I have suffer from IBS for 3 years and... - IBS Network

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Hi all, I have suffer from IBS for 3 years and it's worse when i'm under stress. Has anyone tried hypnotherapy, if so how effective was it?

rtm99 profile image
13 Replies
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13 Replies
robrascal profile image

Hi, stress certainly contributes to IBS and any way you find helpful is worth a try. Psychotherapy can also be helpful. As the more we understand ourselves the better we can look after ourselves. It wont necessarily cure but goes a long way to helping.

binks profile image


I think everyone is individual in this. I am answering you because I am off for my 4th hypno session this afternoon. I have tried everything for my IBS over the past 20 years, and have had more success so far with Symprove than anything else. When flare ups occur they are nowhere near as painful since I started taking Symprove. I do still suffer with discomfort and erratic tummy problems though! I had every confidence in my hypnotherapist - she was highly recommended by my GP and several others, and so I am beyond disappointed that so far it has not helped me at all. She did tell me at the start, that hypno often works quite quickly and therefore it isn't something which needs to be ongoing over months. 3 sessions later things are exactly the same. I don't want this to sound negative for you - as I said, everyone responds differently. Hypno does relax you, and so I'm sure would be beneficial regardless of it's effect on your IBS.

All the best

rtm99 profile image
rtm99 in reply to binks


I've never heard of 'Symprove', but have looked it up and looks promising. Thanks you for that. Did it help with diahorea?

I've been using alternative therapy- Auyvedic, which has given some relief, but its never long term. It flairs up again when I'm under more stress, sounds like the hypnotherapy may be good for relaxing, if nothing else... :)


I think hypnotherapy may be beneficial if you're one of those people whose IBS worsens under stress. Mine doesn't, and is the same regardless of my frame of mind, so doesn't work for me.

ausems profile image

I have suffered for IBS for 10+ years which I think was triggered by the devastating death of my husband following a terminal illness during which I nursed him. Have had all the tests and many different medications, but nothing helped for long. Recently saw a different GP who prescribed Alverine, which relaxes the intestinal muscles and I have found this helpful. At the same time I found online a Hypnotherapist who specialises in IBS amongst other things, and receives referrals from the Gastroenterologists at her local hospital. I had 4 hour and a half sessions with her, and have definitely found this helpful. Stress has been found to be a great trigger for IBS symptoms, and I was at the stage of worrying constantly about my stomach, which made it worse, which then made me worry more - it just became a vicious circle! I had to cancel a holiday 2 years ago, and have also had to miss out on various social occasions as worrying about how my stomach would behave made it play up. Hypnotherapy addresses any underlying worries you may have and puts them into perspective, and also helps you to relax and not get uptight about things. It has also helped me to sleep better as I have learned how to relax. I have some relaxation CD's from her and sometimes play a few tracks before going out to calm me down if I'm feeling anxious.

There doesn't seem to be a cure for IBS, and everyone's experiences are different, but I would say that Hypnotherapy has been the thing that has helped me most, and taught me to control my symptoms as much as possible. I do hope this information is useful to you, and I would be interested to hear how you get on. My good wishes to you.

rtm99 profile image
rtm99 in reply to ausems


I'm really sorry to hear about your husband and how bad it's been for you.

I do understand about the vicious cycle- you get stressed, which makes it worse, then you worry about your tummy, which again makes it worse, struggle to function, because you're so worried about. It's so true about missing social events because of it. I'm careful about what I eat and follow the Fodmap diet, which does help some.

How did you find your hypnotherapist? ideally i'd like to go someone recommended, but this is proving difficult. My GP said they couldn't recommend anyone as its not avibal eon the NHS. My private health care doesn't cover it, so they will not recommend anyone either.

Take care

ausems profile image
ausems in reply to rtm99

Thanks for replying. I live in Somerset, so just Googled "Hypnotherapists in Somerset" which came up with a list. I then found the ones nearest to where I live and looked at their websites - they listed what conditions they specialise in and I found one dealing with IBS, who turned out to be really good. If you happen to live in or near Somerset I can recommend her. Good luck!

rtm99 profile image


Thank you for your message and sharing your experience of hypnotherapy. I've been trying to find a therapist, but there are so many registered bodies for the sector. The most useful one I found was the NHS document on the subject and NICE's findings on it:


However, oddly they don't advise acupuncture or reflexology?

Will keep posting how i get on.

Thanks again.

Ibsr profile image
Ibsr in reply to rtm99

Check out questinstitute.co.uk for hypnotherapists. They have a search option to find local ones to you.

Boogie profile image


I tried Hypnotherapy, firstly a 1 2 1 session then as I realized it was script lead I decided to buy an audio CD - it cost about the same as one, 1 2 1 session but I figured would give me regular therapy at a fraction of the ongoing cost. The CD I got is called "IBS Audio Program 100" by Michael Mahoney. Its a 100 day program. I'm not cured but I have found the CD relaxing to listen to and I have been gradually improving. Whether improvement is due to medication, diet, probiotics, the CD or time I honestly don't know but at just under £60 it or something similar I feel is worth a shot. As an alternative I noticed the other day kgb deals are also offering a teach yourself hypnotherapy course for £49. I have no idea if it is any good but may be useful for anyone who has found hypnotherapy helps.

rtm99 profile image


Thanks for this information. That would be great if you could ask your hypnotherapist if they could recommend anyone in South herts or North West London.

I think changing my attitude towards my symptoms, is exactly what I need!

Many thanks

rtm99 profile image


A couple of years ago I bought Michael Mahoney's CDs, after seeing him on the telly on embarrassing illness. I didn't find they did much for me then, i found my mind kept wondering when I listened to the cds. But I'm going to hunt them out and try again. Thanks for the tip about your session being 'script lead', its certainly something I'll look out for.

Ibsr profile image

Hi rtm99

Not all hypnotherapists use standard scripts.

I have replied above with the website of a school of hypnotherapists who write individual scripts for each patient. I can recommend someone near the Chalk farm area if that's any good?

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