Would you like to see a Velindre online community?
Contribute you views to our survey here: ask.rmg-ask.com/s3/Velindre
Velindre Cancer Centre are currently looking into the possibility of developing a forum/discussion group on the internet where people affected with cancer can talk to people who may be in a similar situation to themselves.
This service will allow people who are affected with cancer themselves, or who may have a relative or a friend affected with cancer, to discuss, seek advice and share their concerns about the illness with likeminded people. Velindre have commissioned RMG:Clarity (an independent research agency) to carry out this survey to help them set up this online discussion/ forum.
UK wide cancer organisations such as Cancer Research UK, MacMillan and Breast Cancer Care have these online communities/ forums and Velindre Cancer Centre would like to assess the feasibility of having one themselves.
Could you spare just a few minutes as your opinions will be useful in helping Velindre set up this online community.
However, if you have any queries about this survey, please contact Ms Saadiah Rifin, Senior Research Executive at RMG:Clarity on saadiah.rifin@rmg-uk.co.uk, and she will be happy to help you.