We need your help in identifying what are the most pressing needs for cancer patients and their families in your area. This is your chance to make a real difference to those affected by cancer so please tell us your views at tenovus.org.uk/research/res...
Take part in our community research survey - Tenovus
Take part in our community research survey

I have increasingly found that people feel there is a lack of support for them post cancer treatment. As Tenovus plays a vital role in promoting healthy lifestyle choices and thereby reducing the risks of cancer so too could the organisation look to promote support networks in local communities for those people who have finished their treatment but may still be struggling to come to terms with the huge impact their illness has had on their lives.

I have increasingly found that people feel there is a lack of support for them post cancer treatment. As Tenovus plays a vital role in promoting healthy lifestyle choices and thereby reducing the risks of cancer so too could the organisation look to promote support networks in local communities for those people who have finished their treatment but may still be struggling to come to terms with the huge impact their illness has had on their lives.

I have increasingly found that people feel there is a lack of support for them post cancer treatment. As Tenovus plays a vital role in promoting healthy lifestyle choices and thereby reducing the risks of cancer so too could the organisation look to promote support networks in local communities for those people who have finished their treatment but may still be struggling to come to terms with the huge impact their illness has had on their lives.

I have increasingly found that people feel there is a lack of support for them post cancer treatment. As Tenovus plays a vital role in promoting healthy lifestyle choices and thereby reducing the risks of cancer so too could the organisation look to promote support networks in local communities for those people who have finished their treatment but may still be struggling to come to terms with the huge impact their illness has had on their lives.
I could not agree with you more, there are so many aspects of cancer that are never dealt with hence the quote at the bottom of my pages on my site
"People do not die of cancer, they die from the effects due to ignorance & lack of support before, during & after diagnosis" - Ian 2012
This is not a promotion for my website but if you would like to know more about lower rectal cancer requiring an APER and how it can affect you then by all means visit myweb.tiscali.co.uk/theblac...
The site also contains a letter to the House of Commons that I wrote in the hope of getting a better deal for cancer patients by providing a comprehensive information pack. However I feel that this has fallen on cloth ears and I feel that I am just become another figure added to the overall cancer statistics. If anyone would like to take on this challenge then please contact me.

The results of the research survey are now available -
We received over 170 completed questionnaires, mainly through our Tenovus shops.
We asked people to tick up to three areas they felt were the most important for Tenovus to focus in further non-laboratory research in their area. Out of the ten possible choices, the top three were:
Healthy Living and cancer prevention (54% chose this)
Support (self, carer or family) issues (47% chose this)
Late diagnosis and treatment issues (40% chose this)
We have highlighted these results in our 2012 Innovation Grant call (now closed to applications) and the projects we fund could potentially help address these issues identified by our communities.
For more information, visit tenovus.org.uk/research/res...