Where can I find good clinics and reviews about them? - Tenovus
Where can I find good clinics and reviews about them?

online clinic reviews mymedicalfeedback.com/
My Medical Feedback is a platform for sharing genuine feedback on your experience with Hospitals, Doctors and Clinics.You can also share your experiences for others to benefit and read other peoples’ experiences to assist you in making informed and correct decisions regarding your Medical Service Provider.
Hi UTKarsh
I've just joined the community but a search for The Royal Marsden which is the major London Cancer Centre or for Professor Martin Gore who is an eminent gynae oncologist in the UK and Europe bring a nil return.
It's an interesting concept and one that would be really helpful if it is rolled out in the UK.
best wishes. Annie
Another major source of cancer info is NCIN (National Cancer Intelligence Network) - ncin.org.uk/cancer_informat... - which is reasonably user friendly (and is always interested in how to make it better). You can find the info you need for the UK here as a patient and if it's in a restricted area, then your GP can get at it.