Hello everyone I have mdr tb and suffering from neuropathy Iv just finished my fourth month I want to know does the neuropathy go away? I’m on the 9 month regimen
MDR neuropathy : Hello everyone I have mdr tb and... - TB Alert
MDR neuropathy

Hello MDR4 sorry to here you have the dreaded resistant form of TB. Nerve damage varies in each person and can be one of the side effects, unfortunately there is no answer to your question because it is very personal to each and every one of us, some say they have permanent damage, whilst others it’s temporary and others none at all. Wishing you well and try to stay positive.
So sorry to hear that you are suffering from it!
I've recently finished my 20 months XDR TB treatment. I had a mild neuropathy in my left hand after using Linezolid for a few months, however it completely gone away in a couple weeks after I've stopped using that medicine (it was changed to different one).
Doctor used to tell me that it does not always go away. It depends on type of medicine you use, and the extent of the damage. Wish you all the best and hope it will get better!
Hi I had same but I was rifampacin resistant
Unfortunately for me I got diagnosed with fybromyalgia whilst on treatment as it started before treatment and I still have fybromyalgia 6 months post treatment
I did see a neurologist for tests and there was no nerve damage
I still suffer with neuro pain when I have flare ups of fybromyalgia
Dr said it was Tb that caused My fybromyalgia
Thank you guys! The pain is in my two feet and it’s unbearable at night sometimes I get suicidal cuz I can’t take the pain and I don’t like taking all these painkillers😔you guys have given me hope and I pray it goes away
Hello MDR4 you could try putting your feet in some cold water and see if that helps?
Okay thanks I will try that🙏
Hello MDR4, how are you now n how’s your pain?