Has anyone come across bladder weakness as part of their eating disorder?
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To a certain extent, I would say this is definitely a complication few people discuss. I think a lot of it has to do with weakened muscles brought on by malnutrition. When I was at my sickest, my bladder was weakened for sure. It is very easy to forget the consequences of EDs effect all parts of the body and loss of muscle throughout the body has so many unforeseen side effects. My situation was not super severe, but I do know some people have so much damage that they have to have surgery :/
I thought this may have been the case thank you
Hugely. Becoming a big problem.
Hi! Your question struck me because I’ve struggled with this since I was a teenager. It had never even crossed my mind before that it could be linked to having had anorexia as a teen. So I did a bit of research and it seems to be a thing! Some say it’s just because anxiety can make it more likely you’ll have both bladder problems and anorexia. But others say it’s about muscle wastage or even lack of oestrogen which can cause weak pelvic floor muscles somehow. Anorexia is also linked to vaginal prolapse, but this along with the weakened pelvic floor muscles and weak bladder can also be caused by chronic constipation (straining), caused by anorexia. I’m finding this so interesting because I’ve had chronic constipation for a long time (pre-dating AN but worsened by it) plus weak vaginal wall, a weak bladder and bladder pain during sex. I will ask my doctor at my next smear if they have ever heard of a link. Thanks for helping me research something hope you get it sorted. X
No worries I think it’s things like this aren’t very often linked in