This is my first post here having just come out of inpatient treatment. It went unbelievably well and I really felt like I had turned a corner but when I got home my obsession with exercise started again, as did my restriction and binge/purging. Not badly but enough to really scare me. I've sorted out the bulimia aspect as that was the easiest thing for me to stop but the exercise is scaring me - I'm not and have never been scared of putting on weight but rather scared of being unfit.
Before treatment I used to exercise obsessively in my room for hours and now I don't do that but I find myself power-walking everywhere or obsessively running on the spot and I don't know what to do. I've also lost weight which is a bugger because I really can't afford to lose anymore. My parents are worried, I'm worried and the most annoying thing is that my head is so much better than it was before! But that compulsion is still there and I need a bit of advice as to how to really whack it on the head for good