Hi, does anyone who struggles with bu... - Talk ED (eating d...

Talk ED (eating disorders)

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Hi, does anyone who struggles with bulimia have any distraction techniques/activities that you know work to stop purging?

8 Replies
8 Replies

Hi There!!! Love how your name reflects how you feel! Ok, very generalised question, so can only try to help, in the broadest of ways! Do you know what sets off a Binge? Please put your effort on this. If it is to look a certain way - get professional counselling, based on loving who you are now. If certain people or situations, set it off, eradicate them until you can not react this way. Is it some past trauma that is not fully dealt with, again, get a trauma counsellor. Remove the food from your house and buy daily what you need. ( This will help with portion control,

and if sadly the bulimia rears its head, well, no food, no binge).

I had not had a bulimic episode for over 10 years and had completely chosen to forget that part of my life. I broke both my legs, and it wasn't until I was at the point of moving around a little that it came back. This time I was ready. My lovely child came with an entourage of every lost soul at any given moment to our home. So of course I was mortified at Anyone seeing me/my home or garden like that. Finally I got the guts up to say this - so the kids helped me clean and talked me into getting a gardner (we have nasty snakes here, I wasn't too bothered by them, but doesn't mean everyone feels the same!) I asked my husband to empty the cupboards and the fridge of ALL food and replace with salads and carrots, only. So when the binge won, I didn't need to purge.

Hope that sort of gets you thinking - good luck!!! Julie xoxo

in reply to

Thankyou for your reply. Id never thought about focusing on the binge. You are right there would be less purging without binge so it makes sense to focus on that. I had 6 sessions with a counselor but it wasn't helpful. I houseshare and we buy food as a house so I may make out that i have allergies and need to buy my own food and eat differently to them. well done on the 10 years I hope to get to that point too some day x

njam profile image


Firstly you have to be realistic about what you eat/your weight.

initially I binge/purged because my weight was so low. I guess my body and mind were crying out for food. ..trouble is whatever I ate even something small or healthy would leave me feeling so guilty I'd feel I had yo purge and my logic then was if you're gonna vomit it up you may aswell eat some more. They felt like binges but in reality I was actually still eating less than a regular daily intake.

Once I gained a bit of weight I binged /purge out of habit, ritual or routine I think. ... I also drank wine every night to help me cope with trying to eat. The wine numbed my brain I'd eat then realise I'd eaten and snap back to must purge mode.

to break this I had to fight and struggle and I've never known pain or yearning like it. It's by far the hardest thing anyone will ever do. ..to conquer the ed and what it protects you from.

I was set small goals. ..adding meals. ..snacks...small amounts everything gradual. ..reducing exercise but vomiting was restricted (not more than 1/2times a week i think...)and then cut out completely. I had to fight myself to eat. ..especially meals/snacks or drinks before 3.30pm then the torment after. ..actually now looking back I'm amazed I did it!!! So I ate!!! I ate and drank regularly thru the day meals then added snacks and fought the urge to purge and all in the hope one day I might be ok. To distract myself I played candy crush...a lot!!! That helped. Reading. ...sewing. ..knitting. ..drawing. pinterest is good for finding inspiring quotes or art/craft ideas. I recommend that...I cried. ..kicked stuff around. ..screamed (when others weren't home) I panicked in fact I think I lived in a constant state of panic fir months!!!

The yearning to vomit or run or pour wine into my mouth knowing it would instantly numb my brain...my mind and body truly ached desperate for a trusted coping mechanism. Oh my head was pounding most if the time. I was still smoking at the time so I had that too...though I don't recommend it!!!

I am truly blessed as these goals were set to me by my psychologist and she saved my life and I wish I could repay her somehow. I was able to call her and honestly I trust her more than I trust myself so yes you will need to seek help and I guess when it's time. ..If that time comes you fight for your life.

I made prayer flags with messages to read...things like hope. ..it will be ok and breathe. I've been taught how yo control breathing and panic and have my list of distractions but most of all you fight. I'm told it's worth it and I'm getting better so I keep fighting. My head still wants to starve...binge. ..vomit. ..run and I panic but I know I am getting stronger and I can fight my way through the pain and panic and I have to. ..it's all part of the journey God set for me.

I urge you to seek help. ..I swear my psychologist is magic!!! There has been a change in me lately that I can't begin to explain but i know it's all down to her . I am so thankful I could burst!!! You need to find your magic person that will show you faith in you you've never seen or experienced and in time you'll gain faith yourself and the believing that can grow is a miracle and will help you stay on the path to recovery.

Good luck


in reply to njam

Thank you, firstly my weight is 'normal' (oh I hate that word) my bmi is 22. My body is not crying out for food as I am not underweight so I don't know why I binge. I think it is habit that I purge. It is just what I seem to do which is why I think distraction may be a good idea. I agree it is so hard to fight against it when it is a strong habit. Im glad your psychologist was so helpful I will think again about going down that route. I have also thought about alcohol but liquid cals are the easiest to purge so not really for me but not sure you are suggesting that as a good thing or just saying its what you used to do :) Reading is tough but I did used to like it, I think I'll dig out my old cross stitching stuff and try that. Pinterest I will try too as dont have an account on that. Thank you and good luck with your recovery you seem to be doing a great job x

njam profile image
njam in reply to


you might only find out why if you don't binge and purge. Only by not engaging in the behaviours will you start to figure out why. It takes a while and there is much blind panic stumbling and confusion. It is very hard to break the cycle. I tried several times. I decided it might kill me one day if I didn't fight. So fight I did and fight I continue to do because now I think maybe I've almost earnt a happy future.

also bear in mind timing. ..I sought help on many occasions but it was always prompted by concerned family or friends. ..I now see they were merely trying to be seen to care or unable to understand but then I didn't understand either and even now don't have the full picture yet.

This time has been different. ..my family don't know about me seeing anyone and trying to sort myself out. I'm doing this because I want to and I don't need the blessing of people who never cared. My children need me and I want us to have a happy life.

Good luck


mummybear1 profile image

Hi, my daughter is in recovery now, but I know it's because she uses distraction. She sings (usually at the top of her voice), she draws, she has a pencil case full of things that she can fiddle with or count. Most importantly she seeks company when not feeling in control. Be strong xx

in reply to mummybear1

Thankyou for replying - I'm not sure about singing :) but I think finding something to keep my hands busy is a good idea for me. I've just remembered that I used to make friendship bracelets and crosstitch when I was a young teen so I may give that another go. thankyou for your suggestions x

Harriet14 profile image

Hi there,

i just read your post and it really resonated with me. As you probably well know bingeing can seem like the most compelling activity which overrides any other plans etc. therefore the (albeit rare) times that i do something differently it involves substituting that behaviour for something equally compelling. to this end I have found dramatic box sets really helpful such as 'the killing' (all the series!) "24" (all the days!), 'true detective" etc. so that i actually find myself absorbed in what is happening, looking forward to the next episode. I am just about to start on breaking bad episode 1……x x

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