If I make myself sick after a binge, ... - Talk ED (eating d...

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If I make myself sick after a binge, but not a lot of sick comes out, does that still mean its a symptom of bulimia?

Faithlois12 profile image
5 Replies
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Faithlois12 profile image
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5 Replies
piglet11 profile image

Yes it is still a sign of bulimia when I first became bulimic I could hardly get anything up becuase it is not easy but now I can do it easily and sometimes I can even purge without having to put my fingers down my throat I wish I had stopped purging when I could not get much up becuase even though I am trying to stop it is not eady dont make the same mistake as I did

loppyloo61 profile image

Hi there, welcome to this wonderful Forum. Very brave of you to address this Problem and ask for help!

I think deep down in your heart you know it is a sign of Bulimia! Ask yourself (You have to be honest) Why you are making your self sick after "Binging".

I maybe wrong but you sound really young. I cannot Urge you enough to speak to someone you trust and seek help. You cannot mess around with Eating Disorders Trust me.

I am Anorexic and nearly lost my life to it 2012, I was in Intensive Care, with Pneumonia, Respiratory Failure, Sepsis (Organs started to shut down, Septicaemia (blood Poisoning)

, plus other complications for a month.

No-one, Consultants in ICU, Doctors, Anaesthetics who incubated me (Put me on Life Support Machine, thought I would make it, even told my husband at the time, odds were stacked against me!

I am now in Specialised High-Risk Eating Disorder Psychiatric Hospital, been in-patient for such a long time. Now attend the Ward three times a week!

Any EATING DISORDER can/will kill you. I never thought it would happen to me. Trust me if I could turn back time, I would"nt Strave myself to point of almost dying!

PLEASE if you have trouble stopping yourself from doing this horrendous thing. Seek Professional Confidential Help NOW!!

I Urge/beg you not to go down this route and possibly end up like me. My Life is in ruins all because I wanted to be THIN!!

Oh I am THIN alright, almost cost me my life and marriage in the process.

I Pray you take some heed of what I am trying to get across to you!!


Sending positive healing energies to you.

Good Luck to you also.

In my thoughts and prayers.

God Bless,

Best Wishes, Betty Baby X

along12345 profile image
along12345 in reply to loppyloo61

You sound so with it and understanding, are you in a good place now? Hope so, if you are how did you get there?

loppyloo61 profile image
loppyloo61 in reply to along12345

Thank you for your kind words. In all honesty I am still under the care of Specialised High-Risk Eating Disorder Team, where I attend weekly still, plus Group Meetings.

I am by no means over Anorexia (It has such a strong grip on your life!) but I am in the process of being in "Recovery!" abeit a very slow, hard-working "battle!" to beat this insidious illness!! As the alternatives of not recovering are unthinkable & frightening!!

I hope that you have support/help with Eating Disorder Specialist, please trust me you cannot do it alone! I am living proof of that, having anorexia for 40 years!!

Wishing you well in your Recovery.

Many blessings X :)

crazycrossstitcher profile image

YES - the amount that comes up is not a grading for how bulimic you are - its the very fact you are binging and trying to be sick afterwards - get help - from professionals NOW - don't leave it and let it become a life-times struggle - it will impact on your physical health - and from experience will ruin your life if you let it get its grips on you - so however scary you might think it is - go to your GP and ask for help - and keep asking until you get the support you need. Good luck - and don't put it off to tomorrow thinking you are in control - from a life-times experience - tomorrow never comes! ACT NOW - GET HELP

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