I've been working closely with a phar... - St Thomas Lupus T...

St Thomas Lupus Trust

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I've been working closely with a pharmaceutical company and they want to know which lupus symptom you would like a new drug to alleviate?

51 Voters

Please select one:

5 Replies
SammieSparkles profile image

So hard to chose just one when you suffer with several x

in reply to SammieSparkles

True, that's what I said but the pharmaceutical company wanted to know what to try and address first.Frankly I'd be glad if they got rid of any of these symptoms! :)

Diane48 profile image

The fatigue is the worse for me at times.

in reply to Diane48

Judging by the responses here and on Facebook it looks like that's what most people say......

Mysti25 profile image

Fatigue is definitely the most debilitating for me as well, I feel my other symptoms are manageable but the intensity of the fatigue creates so many problems in all areas of life both on a physical and mental level.