I am not POTS. I have severe postprandial hypotension, and orthostatic hypotension. I have fallen many times, three seriously: broken hip. Suggestions regarding midiodrine use would be appreciated.
PPH, OH, PD: I am not POTS. I have... - Unexplained Faint...
Hi. I too have the post prandial hypotension, and it's getting worse for me when I'm under stress, I also have ortostatic intolerance and failed the tilt test, I'm not on any medication, but I'm starting to get nervous about dining out now as I've had episodes in restaurants and it's sooooooo embarrassing, does this thing ever go away or are we stuck with it, I hope you are doing well
Abdominal binder, orthostatic stockings, cup of coffee before eating, and anti inflammatories help. Low carb meal essential. I'd change gp if I were you. Go to an endocrinologist, most God not au fair with o.i. and pph. Best of luck!
Hi there, I was finally dx with o.i. and had suffered from frequent pph, it's awful. Now on midodrine 5 mg 3 times daily, helps alot but my scalp is so itchy and have noticed some thinning of hair. I couldn't operate without it. Still not back at work though. Still tired and no energy. Waiting on a tilt, cortisol test was ok he said though he took it at 12 noon, is this late for cortisol?