RAS since 4 months old, now two. One of the triggers, strong emotion which includes not getting his own way. I do distraction techniques etc, but sometimes doesn't work. Tough, any suggestions. Also has anyone's children suffered a RAS episode as soon as they wake up from sleep? Thanks
RAS: RAS since 4 months old, now two... - Unexplained Faint...
Hey, my 8 year old son has been having RAS attacks since he was 14 months old and one of the triggers has been the resulting tantrum and his frustration at being told off. We’ve always just carried on as we would have, now he’s older when we see he’s getting himself worked up we remind him that he needs to calm down or he will be poorly. I follow the super nanny method of a warning and then time out which mostly allows him to calm himself down. In our case his attacks only happen every 6 months or so meaning it’s not having a huge impact on day to day life.
He’s never had an attack on waking up but has had one caused by a bad dream on a few occasions. We only know this as he’s old enough now to be able to articulate what’s happening, when he was very small we wouldn’t have realised.
It’s tough being a parent of a child with RAS and I often feel guilty when something I’ve done / allowed him to do causes an attack. All I can say is that as they get older it gets easier as their understanding improves.
Hi, thanks for replying. We thought he may be growing out of them, as we had gone 6 weeks without one, but appears not had 2 in 4 days. He always goes into a seizure with one, last night he grinded his teeth when in it, something he has never done before. X