We have launched our count down to Heart Rhythm Week (2-8 June 2014) and in supporting Arrhythmia Alliance, to whom we are affiliated, we are calling upon all our close supporters to just take one minute of their time to add their voice.
We are using 'Thunderclap' to help increase awareness and understanding of 'arrhythmias'. With your help we will make sure hundreds of thousands of people learn more on June 2nd!
Thunderclap is a new platform that allows people to pledge a Tweet or Facebook message that is sent out on one particular day. For us, this will be 08:30 on June 2nd. It is completely safe and will post one same message:
"Working to save 100,000 lives from SCA and improve the management and care of 2 million people diagnosed with arrhythmias"
To join in just takes five seconds of your time – here are the simple steps to help:
1.Click on this link bit.ly/1jAJcvA
2.Choose to support via Facebook or Twitter or both
3.Add your name
That's it - done! Our message will show on your Facebook or Twitter page at 08:30 on 2 June 2014, and you will be joining with the hundreds of thousands of supporters to make sure 2014 gives the loudest call to improving awareness, understanding and outcomes for everyone living with an arrhythmia.
Please visit the Heart Rhythm Week website heartrhythmweek.org for more information on how you can get involved during the week or to share your story #HeartRhythmWeek