How well do you feel your condition h... - Unexplained Faint...

Unexplained Faints and Consciousness

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How well do you feel your condition has been managed over the last year

SyncopeTrust-STARS profile imageSyncopeTrust-STARS28 Voters

Please select all that apply:

5 Replies
Cindy55 profile image

I feel let down and abandoned with this condition. Waiting for a neurological appointment and it's been months, l have written to them to speed it up but no luck. Just had some heart tests but my next Doc appointment is not until November, so does this mean l have to wait till then for the results. Iam thinking of writing to the Doc for an earlier appointment. I feel let down.

Jsb1961 profile image
Jsb1961 in reply to Cindy55

Hi There

Have you tried to team @ The Brompton Hospital London.

Cindy55 profile image
Cindy55 in reply to Jsb1961

I am not in London but Brighton.

cassie68 profile image

Feel totally abandoned. Every appointment I have to see someone different....all have their own views it's a nightmare I can't get help with :((

trekster22 profile image

GP refused to test me "theres no cure for it so no point" have changed to a different practice but having difficulties getting my EDS and fibro taken seriously.