Miracles happen daily in my life. - Spirited Lady Ret...

Spirited Lady Retreat

Miracles happen daily in my life.

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Miracles happen daily in my life if I just take the time to pay attention. The life that I enjoy is a miracle in and of itself.

Life is a gift. Each breath I take is the beginning of a miracle. As I inhale and fill my lungs up with air, I feel life revitalizing my body.

My body is a mysterious miracle. There are functions of my body that scientists will never understand. Yet they all work together to keep me alive. Each part of me has a purpose and has value.

From the moment I open my eyes in the morning and see the light of the sun, I am aware of the miracles in my life. I am thankful for my senses, which allow me to enjoy the world in a variety of ways. I am grateful for the health that my body enjoys.

Throughout the day, I keep my mind focused on the little things that make life great instead of taking them for granted. I pray for good things to come my way and give thanks for what has already come.

Miracles are far from the wishes granted by genies, like in fairy tales. A miracle is anything I enjoy which is not the result of my own doing. I am humbled when I take an inventory of the miracles in my life.

While there are people suffering from poverty and disease, I have a healthy body that enables me to provide for my family and myself.

Today, I choose to focus on the good that is happening in my life. I take time to reflect on the small everyday blessings that are easy to take for granted.

Self-Reflection Questions:

1.What is a miracle?

2.What miracles do I enjoy on a daily basis?

3.How can I be more appreciative of the daily miracles in my life?

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