What sleep problems are you currently living... - Sleep Matters
What sleep problems are you currently living with?
Please select all that apply:
Hi i have trouble snoreing and staying asleep
Idiopathic hypersomnia

what does hyersomnia mean
"Idiopathic hypersomnia (IH) is a chronic neurological disorder marked by an insatiable need to sleep that is not eased by a full night’s slumber. People with idiopathic hypersomnia sleep normal or long amounts of time each night but still feel excessively sleepy during the day. They may take long naps, but wake up feeling no better or worse than when they fell asleep."
I'm forever exhausted despite getting 12+ hours sleep a night, having daytime naps and taking some extremely strong mental stimulants (hospital prescribed). I was diagnosed in September by a Sleep Disorder Centre after a PSG and MSLT.
Let me know if you have any other Qs

mine is the opposite I cant sleep at all not a wink.since a dizzy spell had mri done came back normal had bunch of sleeping pills,nothing has worked..feel confused always not knowing if I'm coming or going.lost loads of weight..im at my wits end..what do I do next..please help
Havnt got that been tested twice
After recent troubles in my life, it has become much simpler and taking personal and financial advice has helped me understand where I am and how I feel. I have made habit and dietary changes to help reduce the number of times I get up in the night or early morning. I just need to get a grip on my bladder and overactive brain to make things even better.
Restless Legs Syndrome

I totally know what you are going through. I use to have chronic restless legs syndrome. I found out that a lot my leg pains was from not drinking enough water to better for my legs. And when I had kidney stones I learned a lot from kidney problems I went through, and now I drink a lot of water, fruit juices, sugar-free kool-aid and it help me hydrated. I hope you relieve soon. Janet Silentrider
nightmares from bad experiences, wake frightend and unable to get to sleep or get back to sleep
Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome. No trouble sleeping 8 hours, so it’s not insomnia strictly speaking. It’s when I feel tired and ready to sleep at 6-8 am that’s the problem.
Some nights I go to bed at 9:30. Other nights I am up for two days at a time. The third night I am so exhausted I sleep from exhaustion. I finally went to the doctor. I was given that thing attached to my nose and finger for testing. No answers yet.
In addition to having sleep apnea, I kick and twitch all night; it drives my partner crazy. I also wake up screaming from nightmares sometimes.
Bad flashback nightmares and normal nightmares when flashback nightmares happen I wake up sobbing and am unable to get back to sleep. Other nightmares and chronic pain are to blame for not sleeping and fear of going to bed.
I have trouble with insomnia, getting to sleep, staying asleep, and also I forgot to put other for nightmares.
excessive sleep, hypnagogia and paralysis
Marital issues and sexual frustrations —need I say more?
I really can't sleep peacefully, no matter how hard I try to wake up at midnight or 3 am and just stay awake and then as expected I am in a bad mood all day
I have a C-pap for sleep apnea. I wonder if it could cause sinusitis or sinus infection. It is the kind that fits over the nose and held on with a mouth guard which I need for bruxing.
i have trouble going to sleep my mind has raceing thoughts when i fall asleep i wake up frequently to urinate sometimes with headaches about every hour sometimes i have bad dreams my psyciatrist has prescribed anti-depresents to help 3 different times and combinations but here I am at 4 am writing nothing seems to work.
Vivid realistic dreams when I do finally fall asleep at like 5 or 6 am, but I know I'm dreaming. It's weird, also recovering from a coma, and have brittle asthma which interfere with sleeping.
I'm on Cpap so there is fun every night dropping off, but i get there in the end mostly a good 8 hrs and waking up as slept that helps, thank you.
I have fibromyalgia & arthritis - I don’t get a lot of deep or REM sleep & I never feel refreshed when I wake up!!! I can feel tired all day but when I go to bed I can be awake for an hour or more - I listen to audiobooks to help me go to sleep!!! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
I go to sleep ok but wake several times per night. I go to the toilet and have night sweats from menopause but also have fibromyalgia (and ME/CFS) known to cause wakefulness at night. I sleep max 4 hours per night!! For several years now. It makes my health worse and cognitive dysfunction due to the illnesses alot worse and my moods alot worse. I have v long term depression and anxiety disorder too and on Venlafaxine 3 tablets per day. GP gives antihistamine tabs to try but useless. Won't give any type of sleeping pills, even once a week. I have had enough. Xxx
Difficulty with incontinence at night.
New to this forum. My sleep patterns are whack. I Always feel Exhausted! Even have sent jibberish text and or talked to family without recollection (it's almost like comatose type sleep) It doesn't matter if I sleep 15 hours or 5 hours, i never awake feeling refreshed. I often fall asleep at inappropriate times (sitting up, eating, watching TV. Etc)
I recently did an overnight pulse oxygen test and was told my oxygen dropped to 70 while sleeping, im now awaiting a formal overnight sleep study.
Any thoughts, ideas and or advice
Is appreciated.. My best to each and everyone of you currently struggling with whatever the battles you are currently facing, stay strong my sweet friend, this too shall pass!💜