What do you want your family and frie... - SHARE Metastatic ...

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What do you want your family and friends to know about your needs?

missa13 profile imagemissa1326 Voters
I don't enjoy or can't do the same activities anymore, and I need to know that's ok.
I love them so much, I'm afraid of losing them.
I need more rest and alone time.
I feel isolated; I wish I had more company.
I struggle to communicate my feelings, but I do need someone to talk to.
I need reassurance that although I look different, I'm still wanted.
Other: (write in your own response)
5 Replies
Jan_Schnabel1 profile image

I was diagnosed just six months ago today with Bone Mets. While I have endured radiation, chemo and am now trying to find one that works, I am still working and for the most part, enjoying life as I always have. That being the case, I want my family and friends to know that I'm still me, and want to be treated as such. This diagnosis carries with it a scarlet letter of sorts, that I can't seem to wash off. I know that statistically, this disease brings with it, a death sentence that comes all too early. And while I also know that only six months in, I don't know Bone Mets as well as I'm sure I will over time, Bone Mets doesn't know me either. I am a statistic of one who is raising her grandson, starting a new job next month, getting married in October and building a house. I have every intention of beating this and I want my family and friends to know just that.

Fpmeehan profile image
Fpmeehan in reply to Jan_Schnabel1

I like your attitude. Keep up the good work and your plans for a better future.

Jan_Schnabel1 profile image
Jan_Schnabel1 in reply to Fpmeehan

Thanks very much. Often times, it's probably nothing more than anger through fear, but it works for me.

Greatgrandpapa profile image

I'm afraid of leaveing my wife alone.who will take of her after I am gone?

Nancyjw profile image

Once I have adjusted to life after this diagnosis, I am now comfortable to answer any questions like how is your treatment going, or can I do anything for you. If someone is uncomfortable to talk about it, a thoughtful card in the mail would be be appreciated. I feel like my diagnosis scared some people away.