Did your relationship with yourself c... - SHARE Breast Canc...
Did your relationship with yourself change after your diagnosis/ throughout treatment/ afterwards?
Please select all that apply:
Just got used to feeling tired
Since mine was "in situ," mostly I had to recover from the surgery. I did gain some weight, but there were other factors involved.
Greetings: The little things that bothered me prior to my diagnosis, no longer were/are important. I realized how precious life, and my love ones really was/are. I stya away from people that don't bring me joy. I now try to always be thankful/grateful for blessings seen, and unseen. I am living, laughing, and loving life even more everyday, week, month, and year that God allows me. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone. XoXoXo
Since diagnosis, I've learned to allow myself to rest when I'm tired, to set boundaries with work, friends, and family. Take me time, even if it means someone is upset. Definitely not letting little things get to me as much, and trying my best to enjoy life everyday.