In April 2015 I developed genital warts. I was embarrassed so stupidly didn't go to the clinic until August after they grew to a level that certain underwear became very uncomfortable to wear. After having them frozen off then given cream to destroy any remaining warts I had a final check up in late August where I was given the all clear. Despite having fully protected sex (condoms and spermicidal lube) my partner came up with a spot; he is worried this may be a wart and I have now gone on to read that I could have this strain of HPV for life. I am really worried that a cheating ex may have given my a life long dormant illness which, although wont damage my health, will impact present and future relationships.
I have an appointment in a local clinic on Thursday but am too anxious about waiting that long. Can I still pass on the warts despite not presenting for a year? Will this last for life?