wandering-whats-nexts-for-me-living-v... - Sudden Cardiac Ar...

Are you ok
Take it easy... Been there it is scarey but most survive.... How u doing today??
shaner91, can you express a little bit more of why it is you feel this way, in a cardiac situation?Ive had a quad, failed and now with 4 stents and MS.....ive had a number of emotions and there is help, that I do know.Holidays are difficult, but you are never really alone...even though it feels that way....any call to a hotline which I do suggest is anonymous...and some good people need you as well as you needing them.Try it, you have nothing to lose...a lot to gain.People really do want to help.
Hi, you’ve always got somebody there. I know how you feel. so please talk. Even if it’s just anger, I’ll listen! 😀
I wonder how many of us feel this way after a major event.Eyes are opened, near death experience....feeling this bad may be a little normal but to see a doc is a sure thing to do...they understand it and dont think we are nuts.they see this a lot.