Hi everyone, is there a specific Forum for Prostate Patients that live in the U.K.
Is there a Forum for Prostate Patient... - Prostate Cancer N...
Is there a Forum for Prostate Patients for the U.K. ?

Hi This forum is for everyone...UK, Canada, USA and everyone else who can write and understand English. If you use the search box, above, you will find UK specific posts and consultant recommendations.
This forum is world wide.
Hi, Prostate Cancer UK hosts a forum community.prostatecanceruk....
There are lots of Brits in this forum. Who knows? You might learn something from other countries' experiences!
What Jeff85705 says is absolutely right. There is a lot going on outside of the UK. This is forum is a fantastic resource of such like information. If you are on the NHS they do their best which to be fair can be very good, but that's within a very tight budget and the control of it by NICE. Some health care professionals are happy to tell you that you are getting the very best standard of NHS care while neglecting to tell you there is a lot more out there what may help. Its up to you to mine information from sites like this one and use it to get the care and treatment you surely deserve.