Since starting ADT, has your partner ... - Prostate Cancer N...
Since starting ADT, has your partner or spouse mentioned any changes in your scent or anything related to "sexiness"?
Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) may influence pheromone production, which can affect how others perceive a person’s natural scent.
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I have however noticed that I do smell different especially at night. Cannot actually pin down what the different smell is but it is not a masculine scent that I have encountered before. I hate it but then I hate ADT anyway. Brian.
My armpits don't smell at all now, even after a hard workout so that is good thing. It certainly saves laundry.
My testosterone level measured last week was undetectable (<2.5 ng/dL)
I am on ADT (Lupron+abiraterone). I am very aware that removing all testosterone from the body, results in an almost complete absence of body odor. Esp., my underarms no longer generate any odor and I almost never take a shower anymore. Since ADT completely halts my sex life, there isn't much "sexy" about it.