1 of 2: With Covid as your only cons... - Prostate Cancer N...

Prostate Cancer Network

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1 of 2: With Covid as your only consideration, would you attend an in-person prostate cancer 2-day conference in New York City in 2022?

Darryl profile imageDarrylPartner54 Voters
I would rather wait until January 2023 before I attend in-person events that are open to the public.
Yes, but only if masks, proof of vaccination, and pre-testing were required to attend.
I don't know
8 Replies
HeyNonnyMouse profile image

No can't afford it.


StuartS profile image

Regret reside outwith USA, so could not attend.

Currumpaw profile image

Hey Darryl,

I, at one time boxed. I sparred with a friend who was a couple weight classes down from me and very talented to increase or get used to the speed he had. He was very talented and should have gotten some name fights. He was at a party one night where a guest became obnoxious. He was ushering the individual out with the friend the man had come with. He was suddenly and fatally stabbed. It doesn't matter what you know, or how well you can defend yourself if the unexpected happens such as the random, senseless attacks that happen too often in NYC today.

I am not fearful. My neighborhood is rather nice and we have things such as sheds to keep garden equipment, snow blowers, chain saws and bicycles in. We also have rather high taxes. About 4 years ago we had a rash of shed break-ins. I nearly caught the fellow that was trying to break into the neighbor's shed. He saw me coming. He had a bicycle he used to escape! He had placed the bolt cutters he was using to cut the lock off under the ramp into the shed. There is a $1,200 snow blower in the shed as well as other quickly saleable items.

The MO? The man on the bike breaks into a shed and if there is something of value he phones his accomplices. In 30 seconds they are loaded and gone. The bike rider had tried to lure me around a corner. I was a nuisance.

I called the police. A friend showed up. A very competent officer. He apologized for not responding for 45 minutes as he was the only one assigned to our "beat'" and he was working an accident with injuries and was unable to leave. The neighbor had thwarted the theft--no rush. Between myself and the neighbor our taxes would pay about 3 months salary for a new recruit.

If one does defend one's self today and the miscreant is "damaged" one should expect a lawsuit.

I have unfortunately seen the video of two NYC police officers being assaulted with buckets of water who--deemed it inappropriate to even --defend themselves! Would I think that the NYC police would come to my aid without considering that perpetrator might claim excessive use of force and sue when they don't even protect themselves?


Teddy28 profile image

There would need to be a justification as to why a zoom presentation would not work for me to attend in person, and likely not before 2023.

davebakerpurton profile image

No I live in the UK😍

Too far for me to travel and I would expect the accommodations to be expensive. How about some place like Vegas?

Murk profile image

I know you asked Covid only consideration but even without the pandemic I say sorry forget NYC ever! Hotel costs, crime and poor access in/out of city are all big determents. Why not Orlando, Phoenix or some other more southern city?