Episiotomy and tearing: Hi all, I keep... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Episiotomy and tearing

gingerbaby profile image
9 Replies

Hi all, I keep reading about episiotomy and tearing during childbirth. Can anyone let me know, what is it actually like, how long did the pain last, did it take long to heal? Everywhere I read is very matter of fact, and very scary to read....I also do not recommend anyone looking it up on google images, scared the bejessus of me!!

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gingerbaby profile image
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9 Replies
Kazzacollie profile image

Oh no scary, I find it best to deal with it when it happens. As I would scare myself as you have done to yourself :). All I think is baby has to come out somehow, hopefully as quickly and as painless as possible (in my dreams ;)

Good luck xxxx


I unfortunately experienced both whilst i was giving birth to my son in 2008.

It's hard to explain & i don't want to worry you more than you already are but if you do need to have a episiotomy one of the midwife's "on duty at the time of birth" will stich you up straight away as soon as & the next couple of days will feel a Lil difficult to sit down or make quick movements.

You probably wont need it but if you do it's definetly better than tearing too much.

Neska profile image

I had it with my son 9years ago.it was a looonggg labor and they had to do episiotomy.but to be honest i was so happy to have my son that i didnt care about pain.and if they stich you right then you heal quick.it was hard to go to the toilet on the beginning.someone told me to wee on the wet sponge cos that got rid of stinging and it actually did.i was greatful for this advice.dont worry cos whatever happens you'll be in good hands xx

I tore with my first only a little bit didn't really hurt, took ages to heal thou there was just a little Nick that wouldn't heal so had to have it caurterised, that didn't hurt, tore on the inside about a couple of cm in on the side but healed fine didn't hurt.much , try not to worry too much, when that baby's head is crowning, they tell u to stop pushing and pant or breathe to give urself time to stretch, very important u listen!! feels like a Chinese burn that's the best way to describe it xx

hayleyj profile image

I tore and had an episiotomy after a 69 hour labour and a ventouse delivery. I got stitched back up straight away- couldn't feel a thing (probably due to the drugs I'd had) afterwards though was a real struggle, passing urine was fine, however emptying bowels was a nightmare and after 4 months of crying on the toilet I was given laxatives. I was also sitting on a rubber ring for the first 4 months due to it being uncomfortable. If you do tear or have an episiotomy don't let anyone else's experience scare you, your body is different and will cope with it in its own way. I had a bad experience due to a third degree tear, you could be totally fine. Good luck and hope it all goes well

char17000 profile image

I had 4 episiotomy's and a 3rd degree tear during my labour - it was a very long hard labour with my first son and even though he was 3 days early, he weighed 10lbs 6oz so it made the whole experience very hard. I was stitched from front to back after the labour and they give u laxatives - these lemon sachets drinks to help you go and stool softener to help as well as pain relief and anti biotics to prevent infection - you basically get a big goody bag of drugs to help.

It hurts and depending on the severity of the tear, it can either heal within days or weeks. Mine took 10 weeks to fully heal but if you keep on the drugs and the laxitives it will help ease the pain and soreness of it.

If your really worried about it happening and feeling yourself tear or cut then you can ask for an epidural if you wanted to :) x

bobby70 profile image

I had an episiotomy when I gave birth to my son in 2010, he was delivered by forcepts. I had a continuous stitch that was disolvable so there was no need to have stitches removed. The wound can sting when urinating but there was a couple of things I did that eased it. While on the loo you can lean forward, holding your ankles so the urine doesn't trickle over the wound. I kept a plastic jug handy that I could pour some water over my lady bits whilst weeing so that the water diluted the urine so it stung less, and I had a cold wet flannel handy for holding on to the stitched area for a moment or so after weeing which was VERY soothing.

It can also be scarey after giving birth and having stitches to have a bowel movement, especially if you're a bit constipated. I was advised to drink plenty of water and to continue to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Some women hold a tissue or a clean folded flannel over the stitched area when having a bowel movement to support the stitches if u have to push. It is important to keep the area clean as you can imagine. But it will heal. What's important is that you and your little one get through the birth safely. Try not to worry, and good luck.

gingerbaby profile image

Thanks all for your comment, I never know they gave you some help with laxatives etc, so that is great to know. Thanksfor all the insights on how to help widdle! Its these nuggets of peoples advice that I can use if it happens to me! Thanks everyone!

raogbole profile image

Hi I tore and had an episiotomy, and forceps when I gave birth on 1st Jan to my baby girl, she weighed 9lb 1 oz , plus the epidural didnt work ,:s I needed stitches but I was so drugged up, they gave me a spinal block, as the placenta was removed manually ,so for the first 2 days I couldn't feel anything below the waist, but then once I got my feeling back it stung, but going to the toilet wasn't as bad as it sounds, it didn't actually cause much discomfort, still if it occurs(hopefully not) use warm water to pour over yourself when you pee just in case!

After a while , sitting down wasnt so painful, but make sure you sit on either a pilllow, or a ring shaped cushion called a valley cushion? (I think)

good luck xx

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